AD has better raw and advanced numbers than 10-11 Wade. This has been the only time Bron has played with an All-NBA first team player (assuming the sample size holds true x3). Wade was a second team member in 10-11. Final judgement will come after the playoffs but AD has a strong shot.
湖人球迷:带维斯那赛季的一样平常 数据战下阶数据皆强于10/11赛季的韦德。那也是詹姆斯初次 战一个赛季最好阵一阵球员干队友。韦德正在10/11赛季是两阵成员。终极 定论借患上瞅季后赛,不外 带维斯愿望 很年夜 。
[–]Lakers MMDroxy 708 指標 3小時前
[–]Lakers thelaziest998 10 指標 3小時前
Glad to be back here but the jobs not finished.
湖人球迷:返来 的感到 很棒,不外 义务 并已完毕。
[–]Lakers thesuch 26 指標 4小時前
From the longest playoff drought in team history, to clinching the top seed in the West. What a difference a year makes.
湖人球迷:从球队史上最少的季后赛空窗期,再到锁定西部第一,那一年实是天崩地裂翻天覆地 !
[–]Lakers AzulKuma8 9 指標 3小時前
Anthony Davis! So happy we have this monster on our team.
湖人球迷:带维斯!队里有那么一个猛兽实是太高兴 了
[–]kobmug_v2 287 指標 3小時前
Predicted to be the 5th seed by ESPN
ESPN赛季前借猜测 湖人排第五
[–]Lakers TopNotch224 17 指標 3小時前
I got laughed at by coworkers for saying we’d be the 1st seed
湖人球迷:尔其时 道尔湖会拿第一,借被共事讥笑 了
[–]Lakers Kamaura 146 指標 3小時前
Where are all the people who said the Pelicans would finish above the Lakers?
湖人球迷:其时 这些道鹈鹕排名会正在尔湖之上的人皆来哪女了?
[–]kobmug_v2 126 指標 3小時前*
"Unpopular opinion: LeBron is 35 years old and we've seen what AD does as the best player on the team in New Orleans, the rest of the roster is a meme. I think the Lakers are really going to struggle this year, and Kidd will take over for Vogel by the All-Star break."
“一个没有受迎接 的意见 :詹姆斯皆35了,并且 我们也瞅过带维斯正在新奥我良干年夜 当野时代 的表示 ,湖人其余人便是个段子。尔认为 湖人那赛季实的会很易,并且 基德会正在齐明星戚赛期代替 沃格我。”
[–]ElKapitanFlash 440 指標 3小時前
Rob Pelinka deserves some apologies from y’all
您们皆患上列队 给佩林卡报歉
[–]Lakers KaLdapussydestroyer 3 指標 3小時前