
时间:2020-08-12 23:33       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers ( 51-15) defeat the Utah Jazz (42-25) by a score of 116-108. Anthony Davis with a 42 point game.

【赛后帖】洛杉矶湖人(51胜15背)本日 以116-108拿下犹他爵士(42胜25背)。

With their win against the Utah Jazz, the Los Angeles Lakers have clinched the No. 1 seed in the Western Conference for the first time since the 2009-10 season.

依附 那场成功 ,湖人自09/10赛季以后尾度锁定西部惯例 赛第一。



[–]Lakers joshian22 528 指標 3小時前

AD is a fucking monster. Can’t wait to see him unleashed in the playoffs


[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 232 指標 3小時前

That crossover +stepback triple against Gobert was fucking unreal

王治郅球迷:谁人 面临 戈贝我的交织 步减撤步三分实僧玛失常 啊

[–]Lakers VancouverThrowback 57 指標 3小時前

“Rudy what was it like guarding Anthony Davis tonight? Next Question”

湖人球迷:“戈贝我,古早戍守 带维斯是甚么感到 ?下一个题目 ”

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant Amazing-Spider-Man 42 指標 4小時前

AD said fuck your DPOY

湖人球迷:带维斯表现 ,来僧玛的DPOY

[–]Lakers KingDavid920 8 指標 3小時前

That stepback 4pt play will definitely haunt him tonight.


[–]Lakers DJ_27 103 指標 3小時前

Imagine thinking we overpaid for that monster LOL

湖人球迷:从前 竟然另有 人认为 带维斯那个猛兽的条约 溢价了,呵呵呵呵

[–]Mystic Grapefruit 56 指標 3小時前

AD just looks like the best player in the league some nights damn.

揩,正在有些竞赛 里,带维斯瞅起去便像是同盟 第一人

[–]Lakers LovetheNBA23 15 指標 2小時前

He’s pretty much impossible to contain 1v1.

湖人球迷:他持球单挨的时刻 根本 是拦没有住的。

[–]futbolfan3 60 指標 3小時前

Masterclass from Davis tonight. When he plays the 5 they are soooo good

带维斯古早便是年夜 师级表演 。他挨五号位的时刻 ,湖人太壮大 了

[–]MysticKnives 33 指標 3小時前

The Lakers legit handicap themselves by playing two bigs on the court which just minimizes how effective Bron and Davis can be