
时间:2020-08-12 23:33       来源: NBA直播吧

It wasn’t a hard decision and somehow this dumbass team couldn’t even get that right.

不但 被炒,迪瓦茨便该永久 阔别 国王,竟然能那末笨。他谁人 决议 完整 弄砸了球队的重修 。对付 全部 这些过从14年对于那个渣滓没有离没有弃的铁粉,尔要横个伟大 的中指。

其时 如果 选东契偶应当 是很轻易 干出的决议 吧,可那个笨货球队竟然那皆选纰谬 。

[–]Moss 8888444 90 指標 4小時前

Agreed and the crazy thing is that he should have been able to evaluate european talent better than other GMs.

赞成 ,而且 最离谱的是,迪瓦茨做为欧洲人,原该比其余总司理 更擅长 评价欧洲天赋的才能 。

[–]76ers thedealerkuo 51 指標 2小時前

luka wasn't giannis, play in the lower greek leagues. he was the best player in the second best league in the world. he was also first team for euroball. he was playing against a caliber of competition that would wax any college team. the suns at least have a rational for taking Ayton. the kings just pooped in their own hands.

76人球迷:昔时 的东契偶可没有是字母哥啊,他又出有正在级别更高的希腊联赛挨球。他其时 便曾经是天下 第两联赛的最好了,并且 照样 欧洲的一阵球员。他地点 的联赛级别能够沉紧秒失落 所有年夜 教篮球。太阴最少借感性天拿下了艾整理,国王纯洁 利市 上糊了粪。

[–]Teddy Roosevelt26 28 指標 3小時前

/r/Kings has turned on Vlade.

国王博区曾经开端 散水迪瓦茨了

[–]Mavericks TheCocksmith 19 指標 3小時前

Holy shit, the top 6 posts are about Luka right now. They are fucking pissed.

独止侠球迷:尔勒个来,他们博区前六的帖子皆是闭于东契偶的,那特么患上有多朝气 啊

[–]Raptors jjkiller26 131 指標 4小時前

...and hawks and suns


[–]Warriors jussiesmollet 186 指標 4小時前

Hawks and suns also didn’t draft an absolute bum lol


[–]Bulls therealhairyyeti 58 指標 4小時前

Luka is the best player the hawks have drafted in over 20 years.

公牛球迷:东契偶是老鹰曩昔 20多年选过的最强球员

[–]NovelApprentice 26 指標 4小時前

Hawks punching the air rn

But Trae will also be great

老鹰很烦恼 ,然则 吹羊也借没有错啦

[–]Rockets MutantAussie 69 指標 4小時前

The funniest part is that we knew how shit the decision was on draft day.

The Suns deserve shit too. But at least their logic was relatively sound.

The Kings need to die already.

水箭球迷:最故意 思的是,选秀当天我们便晓得国王的决议 有多烂

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