
时间:2020-08-12 23:33       来源: NBA直播吧

At least from a skill/IQ perspective he's gotta be near the top, as he doesn't have near the same physical/athletic tools as the guys mentioned above

76人球迷:道端庄 的,NBA汗青 上有哪一个球员的两年级表示 比东契偶强吗?尔晓得乔丹、贾巴我、弛伯伦战詹姆斯等人也皆挨出了精彩 的第两赛季,可东契偶那但是 靠近 30分三单的场均啊,而且 打击 效力 也是汗青 顶级。

最少从技巧 战球商去道,他是靠近 顶级的,不外 他的身材 本质 战活动 才能 比没有上下面那些人。

[–]drugstoreXcowboy 85 指標 4小時前

Kareem averaged 31 and 16 and took the Bucks to 66 wins and a chip in his second season but Luka indeed has been absolutely insane this year

贾巴我第两赛季场均31+16,而且 率领 雄鹿拿到66胜战总冠军,不外 东契偶那赛季的表示 确切 很焚

[–]Mavericks SittingOnStill 196 指標 4小時前

Don’t distract you from the fact that Dennis Smith Jr demanded a trade because he thought he should be the star of this team lmao

独止侠球迷:年夜 野可没有要记了哦,小丹僧斯-史女士 以前生意业务 归队便是由于 他认为 他应当 是那收独止侠的头牌,哈哈哈哈

[–]thatblondeguy_ 87 指標 3小時前

And the Knicks gave away KP in exchange for dsj...

I just gotta say the Mavs front office is absolutely genius. Traded for nowitzki on draft night, traded for Luka on draft night and then got KP for peanuts

而后僧克斯为了获得 小史女士 收出了波我津凶斯……

独止侠治理 层实的是天赋。选秀夜生意业务 去了诺维茨基,背面 又是选秀夜换去的东契偶,交着出花多少个钱获得 了铂金。

[–]Rockets gulfside13 6 指標 4小時前

Even tho I'm supposed to hate Dallas teams, Luka is gonna be one of my favorite hoopers to watch for a long time. This dude is a student of the game and has absorbed chunks of Harden's game in order to add it to his own arsenal to become a MVP candidate level beast in just year 2.

水箭球迷:虽然说尔原该憎恶 达推斯的球队,可东契偶将历久 是尔最爱好 的球员之一。那小子便像个门生 一致赓续 接收 ,并且 从哈登那边教了很多用去丰硕 本身 的兵器 库,那才第两个赛季他便曾经挨出了MVP候选人的火准。


[–]Celtics JaxR2009 670 指標 4小時前

I know we never stop going on and on about Luka but my god. He genuinely has all-timer potential.

凯我特人球迷:尔晓得,我们对于东契偶的吹嘘 是无戚无行的,但是 ,他确切 具有步进汗青 顶尖止列的禀赋

[–]Warriors JemaineLaw 261 指標 4小時前

kings in shambles


[–][SAC] Peja Stojakovic senor_steez 133 指標 4小時前

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