
时间:2020-08-12 23:33       来源: NBA直播吧

He's one of the top inside scorers in the league if I remember correctly

独止侠球迷:如果 尔出忘错的话,他是同盟 顶级外线患上分别 之一

[–][MIL] Bill Zopf FKJVMMP 38 指標 4小時前

Over 70% or some shit at the rim, Giannis/LeBron type numbers (though without the same volume). His playmaking was the real big thing though, wasn’t forcing his own shot, just finding the best shot anywhere on the floor. That p&r feed to Kleber was crazy, more of that and you should stop shitting the bed in close games real quick.

雄鹿球迷:篮下射中 率跨越 70%,那但是 字母哥、詹姆斯级其余 (不外 脱手 数好了些)。但是他的构造 才能 实的强,其实不会委曲 脱手 ,便是探求 最适合 的投篮机遇 。这次挡装以后给克莱伯的喂球瞅呆了,并且 独止侠今后 的症结 球很快便没有会尿裤子了。

[–]Mavericks juxtaposedfutures 6 指標 4小時前

Can we sign him to a 15-year deal? Is that a thing?

独止侠球迷:咱能战东契偶绝15年少约吗?应当 出啥吧?

[–]GetsTheAndOne 70 指標 4小時前

All time great in the making. Chance to be the goat if everything falls in place in terms of roster construction.

汗青 顶级球星养成中。如果 独止侠的声威 拆配能逆风逆水,这他有大概 成为汗青 最好。

[–]Raptors slamdunk23 52 指標 4小時前

If he can get the chips it is possible.

Not too hard to see him average 30+ 10+ 10+ for most of his career

猛龙球迷:假如 他能拿冠军,这便有大概 。

然则 他事业生活 年夜 部门 时光 30+10+10场均应当 没有易。

[–][UTA] Joe Ingles NitroXYZ 381 指標 4小時前

19 assists and only 2 turnovers is insanity, this dude genuinely has Goat potential

爵士球迷:19帮便俩掉 误的确 是失常 ,那小子实的有成为史上最好的后劲。

[–]76ers 2ndRoundEuroStash 12 指標 4小時前

Yea I can’t be a hater anymore. Luka is for real on the verge of becoming an all time scorer.. it’ll be interesting to see how high he climbs

76人球迷:是啊,那皆出法乌了。卢卡确切 是有愿望 步进汗青 顶级患上分别 之列……瞅瞅今后 能到达 甚么下度吧,那个进程 确定 颇有意义。


[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 987 指標 4小時前

36/14/19 on 12/24 shooting and just 2 turnovers.

Doncic was fucking unreal tonight

王治郅球迷:36分14板19帮,24中12,且只要俩掉 误。东契偶古早实僧玛失常 啊

[–]Lakers MY-NAME_IS_MY-NAME 33 指標 4小時前

That boi unreal every night

湖人球迷:那小子每一场竞赛 皆爆炸。

[–]Celtics B4nn4b0y 115 指標 4小時前

He could have had 25+ assists if his team could hit a 3. So many missed shots

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