[–]Celtics Slattsquatch 88 指標 4小時前
Every time Luka has a good game I check in on the Kings subreddit.
凯我特人球迷:每一当东契偶挨患上佳的时刻 ,尔便会来国王博区走走
[–]maverickhistorian 16 指標 3小時前
that sub is so depressing, I used to clown them but now its just pity
谁人 博区太压制 了,从前 尔借讥笑 他们,可如今 有些没有忍心了
[–]Suns BigCountryBumgarner 130 指標 4小時前
I watched LeBron's whole career. I'm not afraid to say as a Suns fan that Luka is unquestionably the greatest 21 year old of all time. Jesus fucking Christ.
太阴球迷:尔睹证了詹姆斯的全部 事业生活 。做为太阴球迷,尔也没有怕那么道:东契偶毫无疑义是史上最强的21岁球员。
起源 :Reddit
好帝键盘侠—正因仁出色 批评 汇总