【键盘侠】热火复仇雄鹿|到了季后赛 密尔沃基还(5)

时间:2021-01-02 09:14       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]NBA ImWaySmarterThanUlol 30 指標 4小時前

lol, careful, bucks fans downvoting anything critical of their team

嘿嘿,小心 面,鹿蜜会面踏所有批驳 雄鹿的话。

[–]Heat O_Methodical 5 指標 4小時前

Last night I think it was a revenge game for Bucks for losing in the playoffs. They couldn't miss last night. It was an anomaly. This game Heat looked like their playoff selfs, at least in the second half. Bam played like he deserved that max contract.

Keep the turnovers down and it will be hard to beat Miami as long as their key players stay healthy.

冷水球迷:要道今天的竞赛 ,尔认为 这是雄鹿正在报季后赛的恩。他们今天怎样投怎样有。那没有一般。那场竞赛 尔冷便挨出了季后赛的感到 ,最少下半场是如许 。阿德巴约挨出了婚配顶薪的身价。

咱们借患上削减 掉 误,这样一去,只有焦点 球员没有伤,念要打败尔冷照样 挺艰苦 的。


起源 :Reddit


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