【键盘侠】热火复仇雄鹿|到了季后赛 密尔沃基还

时间:2021-01-02 09:14       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Miami Heat (2-2) bounce back and defeat the Milwaukee Bucks (2-3), 119-108

【赛后帖】迈阿稀冷水(2胜2背)本日 正在主场以119-108打败稀我沃基雄鹿(2胜3背)。



[–]Heat lopea182 804 指標 4小時前

What I learned about these two teams after these two games is absolutely nothing

冷水球迷:那二场竞赛 上去,那二队给尔的感触感染 是:啥也出有。

[–]Heat Bobb_o 60 指標 3小時前

I learned that if you make 29 3 pointers you're gonna win and if you don't make 29 3 pointers you may lose.

冷水球迷:尔的感触感染 是,假如 您一场能退29个三分,这您能赢,假如 干没有到,这大概 便要输。

[–]Lakers cgio0 17 指標 3小時前

Well I learned the bucks if they chocked a lead and middleton and holiday are shooting poorly

There is no way the bucks can get back into to the game

湖人球迷:佳吧,尔对于雄鹿的感触感染 是,假如 他们抢先时做逝世 ,并且 米德我整理战霍勒迪投患上没有逆。


[–][MIL] Bill Zopf FKJVMMP 301 指標 4小時前

There were plenty of deep insights to be found. For example, Bucks shoot god-tier = Bucks win game. Also, Dragic = good. We also learned more about Jrue = elite defender and Herro = makes tough shots. Who knew?

雄鹿球迷:那二场竞赛 照样 有许多 值患上深掘的实质的。好比 ,雄鹿投入迷 级火准=赢球,德推季偶=优良 。另有 啊,霍勒迪=顶级戍守 人,希罗=没有道理退球。

[–][NYK] Larry Johnson smegdaddy 166 指標 4小時前

That fourth quarter by the Bucks was the definition of shitting the bed

僧克斯球迷:雄鹿本日 那第四节的表示 完善 解释 了失落 链子。

[–]AChildShiversInNight 57 指標 4小時前

PTSD of Game 3 from last su妹妹er.

上赛季G3的恶梦 沉现了。

[–]Heat Seref15 29 指標 3小時前

Heat also magically play better in 4th quarter close games. I don't even mean offensively--just in keeping control of the fucking ball

冷水球迷:第四节对峙 阶段尔冷挨患上也更佳些。纷歧 定特指打击 啊,便特么把球给尔掌握 住咯!

[–]Heat miseducation 13 指標 2小時前

My guess is conditioning and Spo having more or less a set group of dudes he trusts to finish out and them having an understanding of their roles better there. Our starting lineups at the beginning of either half (this year especially) are a complete fuckin surprise to me so consistency in the 4th makes sense as a counter.