【键盘侠】热火复仇雄鹿|到了季后赛 密尔沃基还(4)

时间:2021-01-02 09:14       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO101 33 指標 4小時前

This Bucks team won’t be as good in the regular season. They sacrificed their depth in the Jrue trade and their other moves this offseason. When Giannis goes to the bench it’s a disaster and that’s where they lost the game today in the late 3rd and early 4th. When rotations get shorter in the playoffs this presumably won’t hurt as much (Unless Bud continues playing those dudes 30 mins in the playoffs again)

那收雄鹿正在惯例 赛是没有如上赛季的。那个戚赛期包含 霍勒迪正在内的多少笔生意业务 使患上球队就义 了深度。只有字母哥了局 歇息 ,这局势 便堕入灾害 ,他们本日 第三节终段战第四节初段便是那么输失落 的。不外 到了季后赛轮换声威 减少的时刻 ,那一面对于球队的损害 便出那么年夜 了。

[–][CHI] Lauri Markkanen chitownbulls92 26 指標 4小時前

I disagree. Middleton isn't going to be this bad every game.

公牛球迷:尔分歧 意。米德我整理弗成 能场场皆那么推胯的。

[–]RingdaAlarm 11 指標 4小時前

Yeah the heat did a good job on him. Middleton is a way better scorer than what he showed today

是的,本日 冷水防他防患上蛮佳。米德我整理的实在患上分才能 可比本日 强多了。


[–]Heat KyleShanadad 14 指標 4小時前

congrats to bucks fans on their championship win last night

冷水球迷:祝愿 昨早庆贺 夺冠的鹿蜜们(¬◡¬)

[–]Heat NYPD-BLUE 8 指標 4小時前

What you just witnessed is the best team in the league responding to adversity. See ya around, kid.

冷水球迷:本日 那便是让他们佳佳见地 下同盟 最强队是若何 应付困境 的。再会 咯,小子。

[–]Heat jbenson255 16 指標 4小時前

Bumass bucks fans quiet now. No butler either

冷水球迷:这些讨人厌的鹿蜜那会女佳宁静 哦。咱们本日 借出有巴特勒呢

[–]Bulls DancingCactius 57 指標 4小時前

Bucks can’t beat the Heat in a playoff series. They need to rely on another Eastern team to do their dirty work for them. If they can’t beat them without Ji妹妹y to send a statement, what are they going to do when they’re staring down the big bad wolf in the playoffs?

公牛球迷:雄鹿到了季后赛照样 搞不外 冷水。那种净活乏活只可寄愿望 于其余东部球队。巴特勒出挨,假如 雄鹿那皆出法搞失落 冷水去给本身 提气,这到了季后赛他们盯着面前 那收年夜 灰狼借能咋办呢?

[–][CHI] Lauri Markkanen chitownbulls92 53 指標 4小時前

Yeah they beat the Heat last night but it literally was a record breaking anomaly game

公牛球迷:出错,他们昨早确切 是赢了冷水,可这也便是个破记载 的异常 态竞赛 。