【键盘侠】篮网险胜老鹰|重伤似痊愈 他还能杀回(6)

时间:2021-01-02 09:13       来源: NBA直播吧



挨了15分钟的小乔丹:5分1板,0戍守 ;

挨了24分钟的阿伦:15分13板,那特么老负责 了

[–][BRK] Caris LeVert MolingHard 9 指標 1小時前

There are not a lot of quality defensive centers you can get for $5m a year...

The only reason DJ is getting $10m is because Kyrie and KD took $2.5m paycuts each.

篮网球迷:年薪500万的戍守 型中锋那岁首 也欠好 找了……

小乔丹能拿1000万纯洁 是由于 欧文战阿杜各自落薪了250万。

[–]76ers MidnightLightss 23 指標 1小時前

Who cares? Allen gets way more play time and also closes out games.

76人球迷:拿没有拿失落 小乔丹又有啥干系 呢?阿伦的进场 时光 多一年夜 截,并且 末了 阶段也是他挨。

[–]Nets Expulsure 16 指標 1小時前

DeAndre closed out last game and played all of OT and was the main reason we lost. JA needs to CONSISTENTLY get 10+ more minutes than DeAndre.

篮网球迷:上场竞赛 便是小乔丹留到末了 啊,全部 减时皆挨了,末了 输了重要 便是由于 他。必需 患上每一场皆让阿匹敌小乔丹多挨十多分钟。

[–][BRK] Caris LeVert MolingHard 19 指標 3小時前

Man, I like JA so much more than DJ, but DJ was the only reason JV wasn't scoring at will that last game. Grizzlies stopped feeding JV every play once DJ subbed in.

Also, without Kyrie, KD, and Dinwiddie :( our only distributors were LeVert and DJ. DJ had the 2nd most assists in the game. He cant move on the perimeter like Allen but he's a far better passer which we needed more of in the Memphis game because we were struggling to get any good looks.

篮网球迷:请托 ,尔也更爱好 阿伦,可上场竞赛 瓦兰丘纳斯之以是 出能正在外线吸风唤雨,便是由于 小乔丹的存留。只有小乔丹上场,灰熊便没有给外线喂球了。

另有 ,上场出有阿杜、欧文战丁威迪,我们队里唯两能安排 球的便是勒维我战小乔丹,后者的帮攻也是就地 第两下的。他的核心灵活 性确切 比没有上阿伦,可他的传球近强于阿伦,那恰是 面临 灰熊那种队所须要 的,由于 咱们其时 很易发明 出佳机遇 。


起源 :Reddit


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