【键盘侠】篮网险胜老鹰|重伤似痊愈 他还能杀回

时间:2021-01-02 09:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Brooklyn Nets (3-2) defeat the Atlanta Hawks (3-1) in a high-scoring duel 145-141 as Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, and Joe Harris combine for 80 points

【赛后帖】布鲁克林篮网(3胜2背)本日 正在主场以145-141险胜亚特兰年夜 老鹰。



[–]Hawks Idntknwagoodusername 29 指標 4小時前

in the end, the team with kyrie and KD won. fuk

老鹰球迷:终极 另有 有欧文战杜兰特的队赢了,靠!

[–]Hawks lambomando 239 指標 1小時前

Fucking Nets cheated. They have KD.


[–]Nets jetopia 68 指標 1小時前

Kyrie and KD were both involved in the Nets last 20 points. Closing Time. DAMN! I can get used to this.

篮网球迷:尔网的末了 20分齐皆取欧文战阿杜相关。那但是 支割阶段。揩!尔借出瞅够。

[–][ATL] Mario West ATLjoe93 27 指標 1小時前

And they can both easily blow through a double team, it's unstoppable.

Also a nice 8 dimes from KD. It's earl, but it looks like these guys have been worth the wait!

老鹰球迷:并且 他俩皆能沉紧破包夹,您拦没有住啊。

阿杜借干了8个饼。虽然说如今 赛季借早,可尔感到 年夜 野等他俩那么暂是值患上的!

[–]Suns thechemistrychef 16 指標 1小時前

Kevin Durant really fucked around and will be and MVP candidate coming back from an achilles tear. God damn he's so good

太阴球迷:杜兰特实特么治杀,估量 那赛季皆是,跟腱断裂复出的他终极 应当 照样 能退进MVP候选。他僧玛太强了。

[–][BRK] Caris LeVert Caris_Levert 45 指標 3小時前

Bog is a fucking monster. He hit some ridiculous threes during the first 3 quarters

Harris was a steady offensive threat and thank god Kyrie pulled through in the 4th. With that said, this game showed how much losing Spencer hurts. Caris isn’t a great ball handler and Spence took a bit off of Kyrie and Levert

篮网球迷:专格达诺维偶实特么猛。前三节投退了很多多少 没有道理三分。

哈里斯正在打击 真个威逼 性照样 挺靠谱的,也很多盈了欧文第四节找回感到 。话虽如斯 ,那场竞赛 照样 解释 掉 来丁威迪对于球队损害 之深。勒维我没有是个很强的持球人,丁威迪如果 正在的话,他能给欧文战勒维我加沉一面担子。


[–]New Jersey Nets BasedGodProdigy 183 指標 1小時前

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