【键盘侠】篮网险胜老鹰|重伤似痊愈 他还能杀回(3)

时间:2021-01-02 09:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–][PHI] Arnett Moultrie UglyErnie 7 指標 1小時前

man, i know kyrie hit some big shots at the end but it looked like he forgot he had tea妹妹ates in the 4th quarter. kd was basically frozen out of the game lol.

76人球迷:止吧,尔晓得欧文末了 退了些症结 球,可给人的感到 便是他小节 记了场上另有 队友。阿杜皆将近 被他晾搞了,哈哈哈哈

[–]Supersonics R9_is_never_coming 12 指標 1小時前

I doubt they care. He was insane in the fourth

超音速球迷:他们没有会正在意那个的。究竟 欧文第四节太猛了。

[–][BRK] Kyrie Irving Sektsioon 3 指標 1小時前

Who needs tea妹妹ates when you can end your opponents yourself.

篮网球迷:既然您能本身 办理 敌手 ,干吗借要队友呢==


[–]Nets HugeYeets 193 指標 1小時前

Hawks are fucking dope gg can’t wait for the next game on Friday

篮网球迷:老鹰实鸡女锋利 啊,启让了,佳等待 周六的再战哦!

[–]Hawks Jakedawg44 48 指標 1小時前

That was the most entertaining basketball I’ve watched from the hawks in a long time. GG, any time a games close y’all have the best closing duo in the league.

老鹰球迷:那是尔那些年瞅过的最佳瞅的一场尔鹰的竞赛 。那种胶着的竞赛 谁皆愿意 瞅,并且 您网具有同盟 最强单人组。

[–][ATL] Trae Young Shade_Raven 229 指標 1小時前

Hawks showed their youth today but this team can compete with anybody. Just gotta play some defense now

老鹰球迷:尔鹰本日 照样 老了些,不外 那收球队能战所有敌手 过招。如今 便是患上增强 戍守 。

[–]Nets thepriceisonthecan 41 指標 1小時前

Usually, the go to co妹妹ent when a young team competes is "you guys will be scary in a few years". Fuck that, this Hawks team is a PROBLEM right now. Trae Young is a first team All Offense player (yes I know this doesn't exist but I will die on the hill that it should) and yall are loaded with secondary weapons and role players. This season for ATL will come down to how much production they can get from Reddish and Hunter IMO, if those guys are contributing offensively this is a top 3 offensive team in the league

篮网球迷:一样平常 年夜 野对于年青 球队的客气 话皆是“您们过多少年便会很吓人”。尔可来特么的,那收老鹰如今 便是个年夜 贫苦 !吹羊是最好打击 阵(尔晓得那个没有存留,可尔认为 应当 弄一个)一阵球员,并且 您们队里另有 很多多少 第两杀招战脚色 悍将。正在尔瞅去,老鹰那赛季重要 是念瞅瞅雷迪什战亨特能为球队戴去多年夜 的进献 ,假如 他俩能正在打击 端供给 壮大 增援 ,这老鹰的打击 便能排退同盟 前三。

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