
时间:2020-10-30 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Kings TheFoxKing5 15 指標 19小時前

I’m assuming they’re just raising the price so the Lakers are forced to match.

国王球迷:尔猜快船那么干便是为了举高 价钱 ,逼着尔湖来婚配。

[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 37 指標 18小時前

I think we'll try to use his early bird rights to re-sign him and if he chooses to go elsewhere with more money we let him walk. Especially if we can get a guy like Gallinari with the MLE instead of using it on Rondo

湖人球迷:尔认为 尔湖会争夺 用早鸟权战隆多绝约,假如 他为了更多的钱而挑选归队,这咱们也搁他走。特别是正在咱们能够用中产惯例签下减里纳利那种球员的条件 下。

[–]San Diego Clippers STICK_OF_DOOM 15 指標 17小時前

Gallo would be sick on that team could do small ball with him at the 4 and AD at the 5

快船球迷:您湖如果 弄到减里纳利这可太强了,能够采取 小球声威 让他挨4带维斯挨5,。

[–]Lakers krosber04 34 指標 19小時前

This is actually interesting for the Lakers. I don't know how much we want to pay Rondo.

Do you roll the dice and overpay rondo? Or ride Caruso and see if he makes the next step. Or make a play for another PG somewhere.

We also probably? Get Bradley back.

湖人球迷:那借实挺故意 思的,没有晓得尔湖留下隆多的志愿有多猛烈 。

会没有会赌一把给隆多溢价呢?要没有便压宝卡鲁索瞅瞅他能不克不及 再退一步?要没有便再弄个控卫去。

咱们大概 也会取布推德利绝签?

[–]Lakers jtn1123 33 指標 18小時前

Caruso playstyle isn’t even like that

I think his future is as a 2

湖人球迷:卡鲁索的作风 纷歧 样啊,尔认为 他今后 的偏向 是2号位。

[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 18 指標 18小時前

He'll be a combo guard, probably play more of a 2 positionally but he can take PG duties at times if you really need him to. He just needs to work on his ball handling to be able to get more time as a playmaker cause I've seen him make good reads

湖人球迷:他会成长 成一位单能卫,大概 更多天挨2,但是假如 实有谁人 需要 的话,他能够偶然 负担 控卫工作。不过他借患上进步 控球,能力 以构造 者身份捞到更多进场 时光 ,由于 他精彩 的竞赛 浏览 才能 曾经见地 过了。


起源 :Reddit


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