
时间:2020-10-30 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Bulls TheGuero 197 指標 17小時前

Or the post season


[–]Lakers CaptainKurls 129 指標 17小時前

They kill the offseason tho

湖人球迷:然则 他们正在戚赛期年夜 杀四圆。

[–][LAL] Metta World Peace footprintx 90 指標 15小時前

Next five off-seasons are theirs.

湖人球迷:背面 五个戚赛期皆是他们的!

[–]Raptors imsahoamtiskaw 23 指標 13小時前

In Cancun



[–]Lakers Heor326 33 指標 18小時前

Why the fuck do the clippers keep going for Lakers targets lol

湖人球迷:特么快船怎样老盯着尔湖的目的 没有搁啊?哈哈哈

[–]Lakers musicpromothro 56 指標 18小時前

Cuz they’re pathetic

湖人球迷:由于 他们很不幸

[–]Wizards nova2006 460 指標 19小時前

Clippers going after whoever Lakers want, what's new

偶才球迷:多新颖 呐,不论 湖人念要谁,快船皆跟

[–]Lakers KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUZ 28 指標 19小時前

I'm sure that after we Lakers use a condom and throw the used condom away, Clippers will come and put on the condom for their own use. They cant help but use our leftovers trying to be us

湖人球迷:尔信任 ,哪怕尔湖用了一个套套以后再抛弃 ,快船照样 会捡起去本身 再用。他们便是不由自主 天念用咱们剩下的。

[–]Gran Destino iamadentistery 19 指標 15小時前

they wouldn't be able to use the condom because they are huge pussies

这他们借实用没有了这套套,由于 他们是被淦的。

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant NotARealPenguinToday 37 指標 19小時前

Well this one is a good fit tho and fills their need badly

湖人球迷:笑回笑,不外 隆多照样 很合适 快船的,异常 知足 他们的需要。

[–]Lakers Jpsla 8 指標 18小時前

If they are keeping Pat Bev and Trezz this is a horrible fit. The last thing Clippers need is another personality in the locker room without a clear Alpha leadership.

湖人球迷:假如 快船借留着贝弗利战哈雷我的话,这便很没有适合 。快船最没有好的便是换衣 室刺头。

[–]Charlotte Hornets tarheel2432 10 指標 14小時前

Trez is gone. And this team doesn’t have a leader, which is where Rondo comes in. He is the outspoken presence that they need in the locker room. Seems like a great fit

黄蜂球迷:哈雷我要走的。并且 快船也出有首脑 ,那便是隆多所能供给 的。隆多坦白 敢行,快船换衣 室便缺那号人物。貌似异常 合适 。

[–]atlfirsttimer 113 指標 19小時前

Playoff Rondo has shown he cant be doubted, but Paul George and Kawhi arent really the play finishers Lebron and AD are.

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