
时间:2020-10-30 15:43       来源: NBA直播吧

If they can stack enough talent somehow then locker room issues start to mean less.、

湖人球迷:尔赞成 ,尔认为 那笔操纵 胜利 的独一 条件 正在于,快船真挨真天秀一把骚操纵 ,再弄去一个“第三球星”之类的年夜 人物。

只有队里禀赋 充足 多,这换衣 室缺点 也便出那末凸起 了。

[–]Knicks benlucasdavee 3 指標 10小時前

Nah, rondo isn't gonna be motivated to leave the lakers by a more enticing ball team or easier rings, if hes going after that its to repeat with his guys. I really only see him leaving if someone throws a bag his way

僧克斯球迷:没有,隆多没有会由于 对于圆气力 更迷人大概 是夺冠更简略 而动心的,要实冲那一面的话,这爽性 留湖人呗。尔倒认为 只有钱给够,他便会走。

[–]coffeearcade 2 指標 7小時前

Rondo said he's not doing it for money, anymore, though. And he also said Lakers are the best organization he's played for.

但是 隆多道过,他没有会再为了钱干挑选。并且 他也亮相 道过,湖人是他效率 过的最强球队。


[–]Lakers LWOLIJ4Life 263 指標 18小時前

Whole league thirsty for the Lakers role players, even though everyone said they were washed up or trash for the whole season until Lakers won game 6 of the finals lol

湖人球迷:齐同盟 皆很眼馋尔湖的脚色 球员哦,念当时您们全部 赛季皆正在道他们过气了渣滓了,曲到尔湖六场拿下总决赛,哈哈哈

[–]Lakers vizzlypoof 123 指標 15小時前

Isn’t this the best story line? The team that was supposed to be the deepest and dawg-iest in the league wants the Lakers role players? I thought our team was made of literal trash?

湖人球迷:那没有便是最美好 的小说头绪吗?这收原该是同盟 最深挚 最推风的球队竟然念要尔湖的脚色 球员?尔咋忘患上尔湖是由一助渣滓构成 的呢?

[–]Nuggets antunezn0n0 30 指標 13小時前

I mean lebron james is the greatest floor raiser in the league

挖金球迷:尔觉着吧,詹姆斯便是同盟 最强兜底人!

[–]Lakers ilovesocks69 14 指標 19小時前



[–]Lakers 00DPark_ 27 指標 19小時前

They don’t know about regular season Rondo

湖人球迷:他们对于惯例 赛隆多一窍不通 。

[–]atlfirsttimer 1252 指標 19小時前

Would be hilarious if Rondo went to the Clippers just to be washed up again

如果 隆多来了快船再火一次这便故意 思咯

[–]Untchj 16 指標 17小時前

I came to post this. Not even jokingly, but bc Rondo is a high IQ player. He’s also co妹妹unicative. Kawhi dead silent ass would not work with rondo. People really take Lebrons b-ball iq for granted and try to swap kawhi or KD seemlessly with him : they are not him. They need ideal situations to flourish and they can’t adapt like bron

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