Most casual fans had him as a top 3 PG in the league because of the exposure
He was a fan favorite. Now look at him
国王球迷:以是 道啊,正在老詹身旁挨球的利益 比您尔设想中借要佳啊。
便由于 其时 的暴光度,许多 人从前 借把他当作是同盟 前三控卫。他其时 是很讨球迷爱好 的。您如今 再瞅……
[–]CryptoNite90[ ] 172 指標 7小時前*
I sense jealousy because of how well AD is playing with Bron. Kyrie is like a jealous ex-highschool girlfriend.
尔认为 是妒忌 ,由于 带维斯如今 正在老詹身旁挨患上那么佳。欧文便像个妒忌 的下中前女友。
[–]Lakers gbdarknight77 62 指標 6小時前
Makes sense why Bron said he and AD aren’t jealous of each other then in today’s presser
湖人球迷:怪没有患上老詹本日 道他战带维斯没有会嫉妒 相互 啊。
[–]Pelicans n00bzilla 22 指標 4小時前
Kyrie was so mad at bron waiting for AD to finish his post game interview.
鹈鹕球迷:老詹赛后借等带维斯一路 走呢,欧文须生气了。
起源 :Reddit
好帝键盘侠—正因仁出色 批评 汇总