
时间:2020-10-02 18:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]ashamedprotein 96 指標 4小時前

I dunno, can either of those teams slow down Philly's dynamic duo? Not much you can do when Furkan Korkmaz and Raul Neto get rolling.

纷歧 定哦,谁能限定 住费乡的活气 两人组?!科克马兹战内托提议 飙去,您借实干没有了啥(≖‿≖)

[–]Warriors coronaldo 15 指標 4小時前

Agree. Also plainly because Kyrie isn't a real 1A or 1B superstar.

He's more in the PG13 tier and that's the tier of supporting actors.

At this moment Curry, arguably Lillard and maybe even Doncic are better PGs than him.

懦夫球迷:赞成 。并且 欧文实在 也没有是超巨。

他战泡椒一个级其余 ,那个级别便是副角 。

便今朝 去道,库里、利推德,大概 另有 东契偶皆是比欧文更强的控卫。

[–]Knicks Font_Fetish 5 指標 2小時前

In addition to the 3 you listed, James Harden is a better PG than Kyrie. So is LeBron. Maybe even Ja Morant and Jamal Murray. He's toward the bottom of the top 10 and is a locker room cancer. These new Nets will never have good chemistry because their star players are incapable of being relatable to the rest of the team.

僧克斯球迷:再减个哈登吧。詹姆斯也是。乃至 是莫兰特战穆雷。欧文皆快到前十控卫的末端 了,照样 个换衣 室毒瘤。齐新篮网是挨没有出化教反响 的,由于 他们的头牌出患上共理心。


[–]Spurs NotFrankSalazar 34 指標 7小時前

“We don't need someone to come in with their coaching philosophy and change everything we're doing.” - Kyrie. He’s already undermining his coach and they haven’t even started to practice. What exactly have y’all been doing kyrie? He acts like they’re already an established team.

马刺球迷:欧文:“咱们没有须要 谁去灌注贯注 执学观念,没有须要 他去转变 咱们所干的统统 。”那借一场演习 赛皆出挨呢,他便曾经开端 给主锻练 掘坑了。欧文您终归干了些啥啊?弄患上像篮网曾经站稳山头一致。

[–]jaytatum2023mvp 482 指標 8小時前*

Unnecessarily throwing shots at Bron while he’s sitting out watching him play in the finals. Good luck with all this Brooklyn!!! We in Boston didn’t forget the “I’m never going 7-22 again” and following up with like a 6-21 game and then an 8-22 game.

欧文化明那会女只可正在电望机前瞅老詹挨总决赛,却偏偏偏偏要惹事生非天相续他人 。祝布鲁克林佳运吧!!咱们凯蜜记没有了他当时道的“尔不再会22中7了”,松交着似乎 是21中6战22中8.

[–]Mister Hibachi 61 指標 7小時前

Well tbf neither of those are 7-22 lol

确切 没有是22中7,哈哈哈哈

[–]return_of_the_ring 156 指標 7小時前

This is just weak.. why take shots at your tea妹妹ates like this? This can easily come back to bite you man.

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