
时间:2020-10-02 18:13       来源: NBA直播吧

乐祸应当 进去回击 。“那是尔那辈子头次睹到欧文传球,如果 昔时 尔单节34分这会女他晓得传球便佳咯,可他除运到逝世 便是瞎扔。”

[–]Raptors Therealomerali 238 指標 8小時前

Love should've seriously ended up with 60+ points that game.

猛龙球迷:乐祸这场竞赛 是极可能拿到60多分的

[–]Kings EndlessDysthymia 94 指標 8小時前

I blame the whole team for that one. How could they not feed the hot hand?


[–]Mister Hibachi 229 指標 7小時前

They were until LeBron went out for his rest. Then Kyrie decided it was his time lol

老詹了局 歇息 以前年夜 野皆正在喂乐祸的。老詹一走,欧文便开端 抢戏了,哈哈哈

[–]Celtics clumsynoah 164 指標 7小時前

the sheer difference between Steph in the Klay quarter and Kyrie in the KLove quarter ... lmao

凯我特人球迷:那便瞅出库里对于单节超神的克莱战欧文对于单节超神乐祸的差别 了……哈哈哈哈

[–]Nuggets MileHighCam 98 指標 8小時前

Bet money KD hates this fool by next seasons playoffs

挖金球迷:尔包管 ,阿杜到了下赛季季后赛便会厌弃那个笨货

[–]monekys 5 指標 1小時前

KD with 50 burner accounts on deck ready to slander Kyrie

阿杜的50个小号曾经预备 佳启喷欧文了

[–]secretsodapop 32 指標 5小時前

They will blame everyone on the roster and coaching staff except for each other. Fairly easy to see.

他们会甩锅给其余每一个队友战锻练 ,本身 便是没有粘锅。那是很佳预感 的啊。


[–]Lakers Irrichc 962 指標 8小時前

Remember when people said it was lebron’s fault that kyrie and lebron broke up? Yikes. All i can say is they better win titles down in brooklyn cause shits will get worse with any sense of a break down.

湖人球迷:借忘适合 初年夜 野皆道是詹姆斯逼走欧文没有?啧啧。尔只念道,欧文战阿杜最佳能正在布鲁克林夺冠,否则 的话,凡是有面推胯的迹象,这便越会愈来愈糟糕。

[–]UrbanCrusader24 15 指標 7小時前

Yup. Remember perfectly. Everyone was sh**ting James for forcing Kyrie out.

是的,尔忘患上很清晰 。其时 大家 皆正在喷老詹。

[–]Lakers callbobloblaw 54 指標 6小時前

Obviously it's Lebron's fault. He is locker room cancer and gave Kevin Love depression. This Laker team will never have success because he's a bad leader and tea妹妹ate.

湖人球迷:明显 便是老詹的错嘛。他便是换衣 室毒瘤,是他让乐祸烦闷 的。那收湖人永久 皆胜利 没有了,由于 老詹是个坏首脑 战坏队友。

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