
时间:2020-09-18 15:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Bulls Young_Baby 18 指標 1小時前

I’m confused why the Celtics couldn’t do anything to stop Bam in the 3rd quarter.

公牛球迷:尔便弄没有懂了,为啥您凯第三节拿阿德巴约毫无方法 呢。

[–]Heat Mugiwara_JTres3 [分數隱躲] 1小時前

I think it was the decision to either help out to stop Bam or leave Duncan Robinson (who was lighting them up today) wide open that did it. They chose not to leave DRob open so Bam just continued to eat the whole 3rd quarter. I actually agree with Mark Jackson though, I’d rather risk DRob making a three than Bam getting a 100% dunk.

冷水球迷:尔认为 便瞅他们是挑选协防阿德巴约照样 搁空本日 脚感爆炸的罗宾逊了。成果 他们挑选没有搁空罗宾逊,因而阿德巴约第三节间接被喂鼓。不外 尔赞成 马克-杰克逊的不雅 面,情愿 赌罗宾逊三分没有退,也不克不及 让阿德巴约沉紧吃饼。


起源 :Reddit


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