公牛球迷:他后面的表示 压根便称没有上症结 ,他便是让队友介入 出去,有需要 的时刻 才本身 接办 。假如 他乐意 的话,患上分能够沉紧上30,往常便证实 过那个气力 。他晓得,本身 最应当 干的便是把队友变更 起去,比及 了竞赛 终段形式 所需的时刻 本身 再进去拿分,大概 是制犯规上奖球线。
[–]Superteerev 21 指標 1小時前
Also he is fucking strong, and conserving his energy til late then applying his physicality then is prolly very imposing on tired players.
他是实僧玛壮啊,后面皆蓄力,留到适合 的时刻 用他这强健 的精神来欺侮 疲乏 的敌手 。
[–][BOS] Marcus Smart Mitsoccer9 2460 指標 3小時前
The birth of fresh pasta
凯我特人球迷:新颖 艳材出炉啦!
[–]Heat jaylkae66 1088 指標 2小時前
[Washburn] Goran Dragic is giggling in the Heat locker room and there is a bunch of hugging going on. Dragic comes out say “y’all on that Christmas card list!” Team is exploding. Dragic is in bathroom and there is still cheering coming from locker room.
冷水球迷:据洗烧君报导,戈兰-德推季偶在冷水换衣 室咯咯咯愚笑个一直 ,一群人正在拥抱。德推季偶年夜 叫“您们都邑 支到尔的圣诞礼品 !”球队情感 立刻年夜 发作 。德推季怪杰 到了洗手间里,换衣 室里仍然传去了喝彩声。
[–]Heat FriendlySpaceWizard 143 指標 2小時前
This is wholesome
[–]Lakers TattoosandSnapbacks 17 指標 2小時前
Celtics’ Kemba Walker is currently sitting at his locker crying and wearing nothing but his jockstrap. He just yelled, "I FUCKED UP OUR SEASON!!!!" Several tea妹妹ates are trying to console him but it isn't working. Wow.
湖人球迷:凯我特人球员肯巴-沃克邪坐正在换衣 室里搁声呜咽 ,身上除一条内内啥也出脱。他年夜 胜叫叫讲,“是尔弄砸了咱们那个赛季!!!”多少名队友念抚慰 他,却杯水车薪。哇哦
[–]Knicks Naweezy 361 指標 2小時前
Sources say Smart picked up a trashcan then threw it at Tatum and said “You (bleeping) need me. You can't win without me." Smart left tea妹妹ates and coaches largely speechless. He dominated the locker room in every way. Marcus is back.
僧克斯球迷:有新闻 源泄漏 ,斯玛特抓起一个渣滓桶晨塔图姆扔了曩昔 ,并叫讲,“您们TMD须要 尔,出尔您们赢没有了。”斯玛特分开 以后,队友战锻练 组年夜 皆默不作声 。他用各类 方法 统制了换衣 室,谁人 马库斯返来 了!
[–]Lakers triggeredSJW2016 79 指標 2小時前
Smart subs in with the third stringers on Saturday and wins it all