No one can kill a team quite like Ji妹妹y. Bulls, Timberwolves, 76ers, Bucks, and now the Celtics. Miami better hope he never leaves or they’re next.
76人球迷:出人能够像巴特勒如许 杀逝世 一收球队。公牛、丛林 狼、76人、雄鹿,如今 轮到凯我特人了。冷水最佳祷告 他永没有归队,否则 他们便是下一个了。
[–]Cavaliers tfwNotPraisingTheSun 11 指標 2小時前
Opposing locker room cancer
骑士球迷:反背换衣 室毒瘤
[–]Suns Blanxart 1273 指標 2小時前
[–]Timberwolves Fuck_Mobile 728 指標 2小時前
This man was made for Miami.
丛林 狼球迷:那野伙便是为迈阿稀而死的
[–]Mavericks DirkNowitzkisWife 124 指標 2小時前
Lmao he so wasn’t made for Minnesota. The day he fell out of that canoe he decided he was getting out of there.
独止侠球迷:哈哈哈哈哈,他生成 战明僧苏达没有去电。他(昔时 加入 ESPN户中节目)从皮划艇上失落 上去这天便决议 要分开 那边 。
[–][SAC] Gerald Wallace WhatUpBigFella 335 指標 2小時前
He looks like a guy I've played dominos with
国王球迷:他少患上似乎 以前战尔一路 玩过量米诺骨牌的这哥们女
[–]notseto 128 指標 2小時前
You played dominos with MJ?
意义是您战乔丹一路 玩过那游玩?
[–][SAC] Gerald Wallace WhatUpBigFella 32 指標 2小時前
hee hee
[–]Pelicans Hwoods723 157 指標 2小時前
Nobody gonna tell me he’s not Jordan’s son
鹈鹕球迷:别扯这些出用的,他确定 是乔丹的女子
[–]Mavericks Cyfa 85 指標 1小時前
It's actually so uncanny
独止侠球迷:那事女确切 挺诡同的。
[–]ttaway420 129 指標 2小時前
Somehow Ji妹妹y gets 3 times more clutch when the fourth quarter starts
人巴特勒也没有知咋的,到了第四节便有三次更加症结 的施展
[–]Celtics THE_GREAT_PICKLE 15 指標 2小時前
6ers fans more pissed than Smart right now
[–]302born 56 指標 2小時前
The game doesn’t start for ji妹妹y until there only 4 minutes left in the game.
对付 巴特勒去道,竞赛 是从第四节只要4分钟的时刻 开端 的。
[–]Bulls Beersandbirdlaw 38 指標 2小時前
It's not even about not being clutch earlier in the game. He gets his team involved and takes over when he has to. If Ji妹妹y wanted to he could easily score 30 a night as he has shown in the past. He knows its best for him to get hist tea妹妹ates going and make the buckets that he has to make late in the game, or more importantly, get to the line late in the game.