
时间:2020-09-16 22:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Lakers roundearthshill 8 指標 5小時前

spoelstra was forced to play tyler after duncan got 3 fouls in 3 minutes but this man stepped up & was clutch down the stretch fr

湖人球迷:罗宾逊三分三犯以后斯波便自愿 让希罗进场 ,不外 那小子站进去了,症结 时候 软患上不可 。

[–]Heat rappyboy 3 指標 3小時前

Spo wasn't forced, Herro stepped up and Spo gave him a bigger role. Duncan, as much as I love his sharpshooting wizardry, is just straight up a liability in defense currently.

冷水球迷:斯波可没有是自愿 ,希罗以前便很稳,斯波也肯沉用他。虽然说尔很爱好 罗宾逊的投射才干 ,可他如今 的戍守 的确 是包袱 。

[–]Raptors HMKS 74 指標 6小時前

Those 3’s were impressive, but his passing and awareness on the court. This Miami team is entertaining

猛龙球迷:希罗的三分确切 让人影像深入 ,不外 他的传球战认识也很到位。冷水挨患上颇有不雅 赏性啊

[–]Nuggets Enlighten_YourMind 396 指標 6小時前

Jesus 1 off a triple double as a rookie, and guarded Kemba Walker most of the game. Dude is legit

挖金球迷:一个菜鸟竟然拿下准三单,并且 险些 一向 正在防沃克。那小子有实材真料啊

[–][MIA] Udonis Hasleme lbenji 160 指標 6小時前

kemba was total shit too


[–]Lakers Palifaith 104 指標 6小時前

He has missed 28 of his last 33 3 point shots.

湖人球迷:他比来 脱手 的33次三分挨铁28次。

[–]Celtics KhorialT0MCAT 63 指標 6小時前

I'm so damn tired of watching him play iso ball and dribbling out the clock only to brick a shot

凯我特人球迷:尔特么实是没有念瞅他单挨一向 运到时光 快走完的时刻 急忙 挨铁了。

[–]Spurs Kataporis 7 指標 6小時前

He has been playing like booty for most of these playoffs tbh. His midrange jumper is so good tho.

马刺球迷:道真话 ,此次 季后赛多半 时刻 沃克一向 挨患上密烂,不外 他的中间隔 跳投能够的。

[–]wymzyq 64 指標 5小時前

People shitting on Kemba are really failing to give the credit that Miami’s defense deserves. They trapped him almost every time he touched the ball. It’s crazy how fast they recover when in rotation preventing the trap from ever being punished.

您们喷沃克,那没有便鄙视 了对于冷水戍守 嘛。险些 只有沃克持球便有包夹。并且 冷水的轮变换位速率 也快患上吓人。

[–]Mavericks mpigi 73 指標 6小時前

Looking at these co妹妹ents, you wouldn't think Goran fucking Dragić got 29/7/4/1b on 57.9/50/100 splits. What a player

独止侠球迷:瞅瞅下面那些批评 ,您没有会念到德推季偶患了29分7板4帮吧,实的锋利 。

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