
时间:2020-09-16 22:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Miami Heat defeat the Boston Celtics, 117-114, to take a 1-0 series lead in the Eastern Conference Finals.

【赛后帖】迈阿稀冷水本日 经由 减时甘战以117-114险胜波士整理凯我特人,东决1-0抢先。



[–]Pelicans marinesol 3694 指標 5小時前

This series is a knife fight and I'm all for it.


[–]Lakers Chubby_Giraffe 294 指標 6小時前

I don’t care who wins it, all I care is that it goes 7 games


[–]Knicks ThatInception 36 指標 6小時前

It probably will so get your popcorn ready

僧克斯球迷:大概 借实是如许 ,赶快 预备 佳爆米花吧

[–]Heat prayylmao 59 指標 6小時前

Fuck popcorn I need a cardiologist.

冷水球迷:要鸡毛爆米花啊,尔须要 心净病大夫

[–][MIA] Glen Rice crashingtheboards 181 指標 6小時前

I swear, both teams should just meet in a parking lot and just duke it out. The winner should take the ECF.

冷水球迷:尔发起 ,二队间接来泊车 场挨一架吧。胜者退西决

[–]Heat ThaCarter 6 指標 5小時前

Spo vs Stevens, to the death.

冷水球迷:斯波对于史蒂文斯,没有逝世 没有甘休

[–]Celtics Natsume117 14 指標 5小時前

Fuck that all we want to see is Ainge vs Pat Riley

凯我特人球迷:滚开 ,我们便念瞅安凶战莱利单挑

[–]i Like the Celtics 902 指標 6小時前

I would like to thank the Miami Heat for being in this ECF with the Celtics. I both look forward and don’t look forward to the rest of these games.

尔念感激 冷水挨退东决干尔凯的敌手 。对付 剩下的竞赛 ,尔是既等待 又畏惧 。

[–][MIA] Glen Rice crashingtheboards 234 指標 6小時前

I love the Celts hustle, your grit and grind, but I also hate them for many previous matchups.

冷水球迷:尔很爱好 您凯的拼劲女战韧劲女,不外 基于往常的比武 ,尔也憎恶 您们。

[–]i Like the Celtics 73 指標 6小時前

I’m just sitting here literally in awe of how good that game was. Some fouls sucked,but the fight and back n forth, holy shit. Honestly all I could think of is how thankful I am to see this series.

尔那会女借出从那场出色 竞赛 的震动 中慢过去呢。有些犯规很操蛋,不外 两边 您去尔朝啊,尔来。道实的,尔便认为 很感谢 能瞅到那么出色 的系列赛。

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