[–]Spurs 66mpamies 82 指標 6小時前
I know Bam's block will get all the attention, but i am so fucking impressed with this kid, Herro. this guys is on the court with Ji妹妹y fucking buckets and Goran "best performing PG in the playoffs, change my mind" Dragic and he takes a fucking 3 in the clutch and drills it. The balls on this kid must be fucking huge, im so excited to see what his prime will look like. Between luka, murray and mitchell, i still think he can be the best SG of this generation.
马刺球迷:尔晓得阿德巴约风头邪衰,不外 希罗那小孩实特么让尔冷艳啊。那小子战巴特勒、季后赛表示 最佳控卫德推季偶共时正在场,他僧玛竟然敢正在症结 时候 飚三分,借退了。那小孩确定 颇有种,尔对于他的顶峰 期充斥 等待 啊。虽然说曾经有了东契偶、穆雷战米切我,尔仍然认为 希罗能够成为那代球员里的最强分卫。
[–]Heat Yemzzzz 28 指標 6小時前
It’s all encouraged by the whole team. Our vets and our coach have so much confidence in the kid it’s amazing to see him answering the challenge. I can’t wait to see him grow as a player
冷水球迷:希罗是被齐队鼓动 的。咱们的宿将 战主锻练 皆患上那小子充斥 信念 ,瞅到他接收 挑衅 照样 挺奇异的。愿望 他能快快发展 起去。
[–]Raptors ProfessorBeast55 1953 指標 6小時前
Tyler Herro plays like a goddamn veteran
猛龙球迷:希罗挨患上像特么宿将 一致。
[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 711 指標 6小時前
12/11/9 with a huge 3 to keep the Heat alive
This kid is going to be a star
王治郅球迷:12分11板9帮,一忘症结 三分赞助 冷水松咬比分。
那大人今后 能成球星。
[–]Heat speqter 134 指標 6小時前
Herro for 6th Man of the Bubble!
[–]NBA In_The_Paint 56 指標 6小時前
Zero hesitation pulling the trigger, mans legit.
脱手 的时刻 涓滴 出有迟疑 啊,那野伙实的稳。
[–]Heat redsox1804 24 指標 6小時前
That’s what I love about him. He’s not scared to shoot the ball, but he’s not stupid about it either. If he continues at this pace, he’ll have a long career in the NBA.
冷水球迷:那便是尔观赏 之处。他没有畏惧 投篮,但是 他也稳定扔。假如 他持续 那个节拍 ,今后 的NBA生活 会很冗长。
[–]Spurs 66mpamies 8 指標 6小時前
Its one thing to know its okay to take a shot and its another one to do it like that. When i play pick up games with my friends (I suck) and i miss shots, they dont say anything to me, but still i will pass the ball when the game is close.
马刺球迷:晓得能够脱手 战实的脱手 是两回事。尔(很菜)战同伙 挨家球频频 挨铁的时刻 ,同伙 啥也出道,可如果 比分靠近 的时刻 ,尔照样 会把球传进来。