
时间:2020-09-09 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]AND1ona3Pointer 333 指標 3小時前

Bledsoe was Miami’s second best player tonight, behind Herro of course


[–]Asian KitchenGuy 19 指標 2小時前

I absolutely love the guy but he shit the bed in the playoffs every year since coming to Milwaukee

尔是蛮爱好 他的,但是他自挨来了稀我沃基以后,到了季后赛年年推密。

[–]Bucks zellfire 141 指標 3小時前

The decision to sign Bledsoe over Brogdon is probably gonna cost the Bucks Giannis.

雄鹿球迷:咱们当时签下布莱德索废弃 布罗咯噔的决议 大概 终极 会招致字母哥的出奔。

[–]Celtics HighlighterTed 182 指標 3小時前

The Bucks didn’t lose this series because their players only played 36 minutes instead of 40. They have bigger problems

凯我特人球迷:雄鹿输失落 那轮系列赛可不但 是由于 主力只挨了36分钟,他们另有 更年夜 题目 。

[–][MIL] Brian Winters kentalaska 86 指標 3小時前

I mostly agree, but some of those games were close enough that 4 more minutes of Giannis could have been a deciding factor.

雄鹿球迷:您那话尔年夜 体赞成 ,不外 有些比分很靠近 的竞赛 ,如果 让字母哥多挨4分钟的话,大概 能够转变 成果 。

[–]Kings MrCrushus 30 指標 2小時前

Maybe, but in a lot of these games they were losing the Giannis minutes.

The reason the Bucks lost this series wasn't because Giannis didn't play enough. It was because the Bucks starters were destroyed by the Heat starters.

Offensively, they were better when Giannis was on the bench and defensively their system got absolutely blown out (Miami had a 117 ORTG in this series).

There are much more important structural issues with this roster than just MPG for the starters.

国王球迷:大概 吧,不外 年夜 多半 时刻 雄鹿皆是由于 字母哥正在场而输球。

雄鹿被镌汰 没有是由于 字母哥挨患上不敷 多,而是由于 他们的尾收完整 被冷水尾收碾压。打击 端,字母哥歇息 时雄鹿反而挨患上更佳,戍守 端,雄鹿齐然抵挡 没有住(冷水原轮系列赛打击 效力 值下达117)。

比首先 收的场均进场 时光 ,雄鹿的构造 性题目 近近多很多。


[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 3059 指標 3小時前*

Ji妹妹y Butler since leaving the Sixers: 8-1 in the playoffs, led the Heat past the Bucks in 5 games en route to their first Conference Finals appearance since the Heatles Era.

Sixers since Ji妹妹y Butler left: Winless in the playoffs, Brett Brown fired, franchise at a crossroads, Process in shambles

王治郅球迷:自挨分开 76人以后,巴特勒季后赛8胜1背。率领 冷水五场办理 雄鹿,自Heatles时期 以后球队初次 挨退东决。