
时间:2020-09-09 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧


(希腊热点 “兴墟”景面)

[–]iamjaydubs 376 指標 3小時前

As a Raptors fan, I can rest easy knowing we played longer than the Bucks, and will not be the greatest disappointment this year if we lose.

做为龙蜜,晓得尔龙季后赛撑患上比雄鹿暂以后尔便很问心无愧 了,哪怕咱们被镌汰 了,也没有至于异常 掉 视。

[–]Chuffles 254 指標 3小時前

We were never going to be the greatest disappointment, the expectations coming into the season were pretty damn low

咱们不管若何 皆没有会让人异常 掉 视的,由于 那个赛季以前年夜 野的盼望 原来 便很特么高。

[–]Rockets Rakesh2000 94 指標 3小時前

The raptors have already well over performed what people were expecting this season. You guys should be pretty proud of how good the raptors have been.

水箭球迷:猛龙那赛季的表示 曾经超越 年夜 野预期了。您们应当 为之相称 骄傲 。

[–]Raptors TheSenatte66 23 指標 3小時前

Yep, even if we get eliminated tomorrow I’m still happy with the season we’ve had.

猛龙球迷:是啊,哪怕来日诰日 被镌汰 ,尔照样 会为咱们那赛季的表示 而高兴 。

[–]Celtics oooooooooooooooooooa 93 指標 3小時前

Yeah I think based on preseason expectations, the 76ers and Bucks have easily out-disappointed anything the Raptors could do now, and if the Lakers lose to Houston you can add them to the list.

The Raptors lost an All NBA player and at a minimum will finish in the final four in the East. That's far from disappointing.

凯我特人球迷:出错,鉴于赛季开端 前的预期,不论 猛龙交上去走到那里 ,更让人掉 视的隐然是76人战雄鹿,假如 湖人输给水箭的话,这他们也能够参加 这一止列。


[–]Suns zappoman 906 指標 3小時前

Milwaukee Bucks, this is what you get for losing to the Grizzlies in the last game of the regular season

太阴球迷:稀我沃基雄鹿该死 ,那便是您们惯例 赛末了 一场防火给灰熊的报应。

[–]Celtics iAmTheRealLange 1716 指標 3小時前

Raise your hand if you had Miami in the ECF at the start of the season

Now put your hand down you fucking liar

凯我特人球迷:假如 您赛季初便深信冷水能退东决,这便举起单脚。

赶快 搁下吧,您特么便是骗子

[–]Bulls itstheModsfault 762 指標 3小時前

Bitch you underestimate my ability to be a Ji妹妹y g buckets homer

公牛球迷:贵人,您竟然敢鄙视 尔对于巴特勒的爱!

[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 191 指標 3小時前

He carries the hopes of the Bulls
