
时间:2020-09-09 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]blisteringchristmas 108 指標 3小時前

Chicago legend Ji妹妹y Butler

究竟 是芝减哥名宿

[–]Nuggets FreshShades 381 指標 3小時前

I don't think anyone predicted the absolute meltdown of the Bucks. I had them pegged for the finals

挖金球迷:尔认为 应当 出人预感 到雄鹿的砰然坍毁 。以前尔借认为 他们能退总决赛

[–]brianstormIRL 253 指標 3小時前

Let me introduce you to a thing called coach bud in the playoffs.

这尔便给您先容 个器械 吧,他便是季后赛布登锻练 。

[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 87 指標 3小時前

Hawks shiver in PTSD


[–]Suns Harry-Boughner 1192 指標 3小時前

Coach Bud gets to see his family

太阴球迷:布登锻练 末于能瞅抵家 人了

[–]layupgod 32 指標 3小時前

He’ll manage family time well

他将公道 散布 野人团圆 时光

[–][GSW] Quinn Cook UrAveragePanda 52 指標 3小時前

Puts his son to sleep at 4pm

懦夫球迷:让他女子下昼 四面便来睡眠

[–]Raptors Jayson2K 1189 指標 3小時前

Hopefully the first thing their front office takes care of tomorrow is preparing Budenholzer's pink slip

猛龙球迷:愿望 来日诰日 雄鹿治理 层处置 的第一件事便是预备 布登霍我泽的开除 关照 单。

[–][TOR] Pascal Siakam Dragonsandman 51 指標 3小時前

Tomorrow? He's probably getting it as we type

猛龙球迷:来日诰日 ?大概 咱们挨字那会女他便拿到了。

[–]Knicks TigerBasket 53 指標 3小時前

He’s gonna get pushed out of the plane on the ride home


[–]Lakers Palifaith 1492 指標 3小時前

Coach Bud looking for jobs right now.

湖人球迷:布登锻练 那会女在找事情

[–]Heat aparrilla43 483 指標 3小時前

Miami’s next assistant coach. Come learn from the best


[–][MIA] Gary Payton jc-f 239 指標 3小時前

Have to start in the film room, just like Spo

冷水球迷:这他患上从录相师干起,便像昔时 的斯波一致

[–]wgrejoigoi 493 指標 3小時前

The Bucks need a real PG more than they need to change coach

比起换锻练 ,雄鹿更须要 一个实邪的控卫

[–]brianstormIRL 311 指標 3小時前

So the coach can play him 30 minutes and continue to run Giannis into walls instead of using the PG

便算有了控卫布登也没有会用,他会持续 让字母哥便挨30分钟,朝对于圆人堆里碰。