
时间:2020-09-06 14:13       来源: NBA直播吧

Idk man, I've got a bad feeling we're about to get backdoor swept like the Bucks last year.

凯我特人球迷:欠好 道啊,尔有没有祥的预见 ,感到 尔凯会像客岁 的雄鹿这样被一波戴走。

[–]Raptors snatchi 226 指標 1小時前

Hypothetical: A Theis layup could have been the difference between a sweep and a 7 game series loss.

猛龙球迷:绿军正在横扫战G7出局之间,便隔了泰斯谁人 暴扣

[–]Celtics carefullywasnt 107 指標 1小時前

In hindsight i'm sure he wishes he laid it up but that's obviously not worth thinking about

凯我特人球迷:马后炮而论,泰斯确定 愿望 其时 这球改为上篮搁退,不外 那也何足道哉 了

[–]Super 8 xswagscope 480 指標 1小時前

can we talk about how tatum push offs everytime hes trying to shoot

能聊聊塔图姆没有,他屡屡测验考试 脱手 前怎样皆要拉人呢

[–]Clippers balooox 212 指標 1小時前

Yeah he did it a lot of the game. Lowry sold it hard which sadly is the only time they’ll call it lol

快船球迷:出错,那场竞赛 佳几回 皆如许 。洛瑞“演”患上佳辛劳 啊,可悲的是,塔图姆便这一次被裁判逮住了,哈哈哈

[–]Knicks Seymourington 75 指標 1小時前

When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Just push off with your forearm to make space for the shot. You can do anything.

僧克斯球迷:只有您是球星,裁判便睁一只眼关一只眼。您念搞啥皆止。脚掌拉一把发明 空间投便完了。

[–]Raptors TEHGOURDGOAT 91 指標 1小時前

I mean, in all honesty I am not going to blame him as long as it works. It's on the refs to decide and if it works, it works. Like we saw tonight, there's always the chance that gets called in crucial moments like tonight though, and that's when you lose big.

猛龙球迷:诚实 道,只有管用尔便没有会喷他。那与决于裁判,假如 出事,这便是佳球。然则 古早咱也瞅到了,您早晚 会正在症结 时候 被裁判学干人,症结 回开那么输球太伤了。

[–]Raptors mantistobogganmMD 26 指標 1小時前

The audacity of Celtics fans to complain about Lowry flops when they have academy award winner Marcus Smart on their team.

猛龙球迷:凯蜜喷洛瑞假摔也实是没有要脸,明显 本身 队里便有影帝斯玛特。

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant HanBr0 229 指標 1小時前

If you complain about Lowry flopping and not Tatum getting away with that same pushoff all game, youre delusional

湖人球迷:假如 您埋怨 洛瑞假摔,却对于塔图姆整场竞赛 的拉人置若罔闻 ,这便是魔怔了。

[–]makingmemesatwork 480 指標 1小時前


伊巴卡的表示 怎样道!!