
时间:2020-09-06 14:13       来源: NBA直播吧

Just like the Bucks series last year


[–]Raptors MrkGrn 150 指標 1小時前

It was bound to happen. Tonight open 3s finally fell. Gave us much more of a cushion when our offense would go cold.

猛龙球迷:那是早晚 的事。古早咱们的空地三分末于启了,哪怕打击 停止 的时刻 也有底气多了。


[–][SAS] Manu Ginobili oyedamamangan 208 指標 1小時前

Boston coming back down to earth and Toronto coming up from the grave. Now this is exciting basketball. Good hard fought game by the Raptors.

马刺球迷:波士整理回到实际 ,多伦多从棺材里爬进去咯。那才是安慰的球赛。猛龙本日 挨患上相称 负责 。

[–]vansmith85 23 指標 1小時前

They’re the only team I genuinely feared coming into the playoffs and this series isn’t helping. I’m all in for Toronto but if Boston beats them, then I’ll cheer for Boston.

到了季后赛让尔实邪畏惧 的球队只要猛龙,那轮系列胜过 后更怕了。尔尽力 支撑 猛龙,可如果 凯我特人镌汰 了他们,这尔便为他们减油。

[–]Lakers Palifaith 2072 指標 1小時前

This series is a great example of why you ignore regular season rotations and play your best players extended minutes in the playoffs, fatigue be damned. Looking at you coach Bud

湖人球迷:那轮系列赛完善 说明 了,为啥到了季后赛您便患上疏忽 惯例 赛的轮换声威 ,让部下 最强的球员多挨,道甚么疲惫 皆是扯浓。道您呢,布登锻练 。

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 31 指標 1小時前

Stop stop he's already dead!


[–]Lakers UsefulCode6 954 指標 1小時前

After watching teams like Milwaukee and Philly play recently, seeing two very smart, competent coaches make good adjustments back and forth is very satisfying.

We're going to watch Stevens and Nurse go head to head for years to come.

湖人球迷:瞅过远期稀我沃基战费乡的表示 以后,再瞅二位精彩 且睿智的主帅相互 斗法,实的是相称 过瘾。

史蒂文斯战纳斯那二人今后 借会较量 许多 年。

[–]Zoulzopan 61 指標 1小時前

agreed i really like last year's play offs where nick nurse makes constant adjustment in offense and defense during the play offs

赞成 ,尔实的很爱好 纳斯客岁 季后赛正在攻防两头 连续 赓续 的临场变更 。

[–]Lakers UsefulCode6 76 指標 1小時前

He's seriously got some balls to change up the strategy so much. He must be a great leader if his players are willing to roll with his crazy adjustments

湖人球迷:他确切 有种,竟然敢如斯 频仍 天转变 球队的战略。假如 他部下 的球员也乐意 履行 各类 没有按常理出牌的战略调剂 ,这他确定 是个精彩 的首脑 。