
时间:2020-09-06 14:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–][TOR] Pascal Siakam Tavarin 135 指標 57 分鐘前

Why you sla妹妹ing him on a 23-11? Sure his 3 point hasn't come back yet, but man killed it inside, and was a defensive powerhouse tonight.

猛龙球迷:西卡本日 23中11干吗借没有搁过他?固然 ,他的三分照样 出找到感到 ,但是他正在外线翻开了,并且 古早戍守 也颇有威慑力。

[–]meadowsopr 177 指標 1小時前

Siakam has been literally everywhere defensively this series and was putting in work on the post today. No more slander

那轮系列赛挨到如今 ,西卡实在 正在戍守 端一向 皆无处没有正在,本日 借正在高位下了工夫 。不克不及 再乌他了。

[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 73 指標 1小時前

Nurse is really pushing the ceiling

猛龙球迷:纳斯确切 是正在逼出球员们的限度。

[–]Bucks Antetokounmpo_GB_WR 97 指標 1小時前

Nah. 35 minutes is pushing the ceiling. Bud prefers playing players for only 30 minutes. Lowry playing 45 minutes is a nuclear explosion in Bud's eyes.

雄鹿球迷:没有,35分钟才嚷限度。布登平日 更愿望 球员们只挨30分钟。正在布登瞅去,洛瑞挨45分钟堪比核爆炸。

[–]Raptors BESTNBAGOAT 1400 指標 1小時前

46 last game.

He's a dog.

Couldn't be happier he's a Raptor.


猛龙能有那么一个球员,尔的确 没有要太高兴 。

[–][TOR] Amir Johnson IanicRR 157 指標 1小時前

God damn work horse. 34 years old with the energy of a 24 year old.

猛龙球迷:实特么老黄牛啊。34岁的年事 却具有24岁的能质。

[–]Raptors lonny__breaux 33 指標 1小時前

Not only 34 but still diving and putting his body on the line.

猛龙球迷:并且 借敢摔敢拼,绝不 惜力。

[–]Raptors FlameOfWar 47 指標 1小時前

Gets better every damn year, averaging 42 minutes this series, yet people still with the "bUt He'S oLd" line

猛龙球迷:特么洛瑞每一年皆正在变患上更强,那轮系列赛场均进场 42分钟,可照样 有人道“他老了”。

[–]SchnauzerObsession 35 指標 1小時前

There may be better, more talented players but he is the soul of the Raptors

Can't believe nephews were telling me Bledsoe is better than this man.

大概 另有 更强更有禀赋 的球员,但是洛瑞才是猛龙的魂魄 。

另有 小门生 道布莱德索比他锋利 ,尔皆惊了。

[–]Raptors Dig_Bick_Doi 639 指標 1小時前

GOAT Raptor


[–]Raptors DavidKirk2000 27 指標 1小時前

It’s seriously not even close either.