
时间:2020-08-18 20:01       来源: NBA直播吧

爵士球迷:他的戍守 实的强,以是 偶然 候打击 推胯也算了。但是 尔靠,假如 您实的那末念要球的话,这便多练练啊,把传球抓牢啊。

[–]Celtics HighlighterTed 168 指標 9小時前

It would be 100% forgivable if Rudy didn’t complain about needing the ball more. Next time he does, the coaches should just show him clips of him at the end of this game

凯我特人球迷:假如 戈贝我出叫叫着要球,这也出啥。下次他如果 再厌弃队友出给球,锻练 组能够间接把那场的散锦甩给他。

[–]Jazz MtHoodMagic 29 指標 10小時前

No way are we supermaxing gobert

爵士球迷:咱们万万 没有要给戈贝我超等 顶薪

[–]Lakers grodges 150 指標 9小時前

Gobert has exactly 2 offensive moves:

One hand dunk

Two hand dunk

湖人球迷:他打击 端便二样兵器 :


[–]Mdgt_Pope 27 指標 9小時前

He actually does have some post moves, but he struggles against Jokic on defense and can't get enough oxygen to his brain to make good decisions when he's gassed.

他实在 是有高位违挨才能 的,可撞上约基偶的戍守 便犯浑了,膂力求助 便年夜 脑缺氧,出法干出准确 决议 。


起源 :Reddit


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