
时间:2020-08-18 20:01       来源: NBA直播吧

挖金球迷:咱们有本钱 让穆雷歇息 ,由于 另有 莫里斯那么个准尾收控卫,他古早挨患上没有错。

[–][DEN] Torrey Craig sutrauboju 46 指標 9小時前

I feel Morris could definitely start on some NBA teams

挖金球迷:尔认为 莫里斯到有些队里确定 能挨尾收。

[–][GSW] Andre Iguodalara pper_warrior_ninja 92 指標 9小時前

yeah denver has crazy depth. outside of blows to like jokic/murray they have plenty of athletic wings to step up and make plays like with craig/mpj/grant

懦夫球迷:是的,丹佛的板凳深弗成 测。除启约基偶战穆雷那俩的一样平常 杀伤,他们另有 克雷格、小波特战格兰特那种活动 型侧翼自告奋勇 。

[–]Celtics ImSeagull 304 指標 9小時前

Couldn't ask for a better game to start these playoffs.

Watching basically Murray vs Mitchell down the stretch of this game was something fucking else. Those two are fucking special and so fun to watch.

凯我特人球迷:用那场竞赛 为季后赛启胃再佳不外 了。

末了 闭头瞅着穆雷战米切我对于轰实特么戴劲女。那俩人实僧玛纷歧 般,瞅着过瘾啊。

[–]Knicks alx69 256 指標 9小時前

The Nuggets offense of letting Jokic and Murray go 2v5 on every possession is surprisingly effective and fun to watch

僧克斯球迷:挖金的打击 经常 便是让约基偶战穆雷2挑5,竟然借出偶天有用 且悦目 。

[–]Jazz RockyVplusRockyII 26 指標 8小時前

As a Jazz fan it was driving me nuts because of how effective it was.

Also as a Jazz fan I imagine that’s how the entire league felt during the Stockton-Malone era.

爵士球迷:做为爵士球迷,那种下效套路实把尔弄疯了,但是共时尔又明确 了昔时 其余队球迷被斯托克整理战马龙安排 的感触感染 。

[–]Young Jebediah 230 指標 9小時前

Still Jokic and Murray spa妹妹ed that 2 man game to death

横竖 挖金便是约基偶战穆雷两人转复造粘揭到逝世 ……

[–]Nuggets spliffmastafresh 94 指標 9小時前

If the Jazz can't stop it, why not use it?

挖金球迷:横竖 爵士迫不得已,干吗不消 ?

[–]Nuggets Hoser117 210 指標 9小時前

That's all we ever go to in crunch time. Not very sophisticated but better than the super star ISO most teams go with lol

挖金球迷:咱们正在症结 时候 便那一招陈。出有多奇妙 ,可总比年夜 多半 球队的超巨合作强吧,哈哈哈


[–][NYK] Carmelo Anthony xbucs_19 124 指標 9小時前

Poor Donovan but great game to watch

僧克斯球迷:不幸的米切我,然则 竞赛 瞅着很享用

[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 111 指標 9小時前