
时间:2020-08-18 20:01       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Denver Nuggets prevail 135-125 in an OT win over the Utah Jazz to take a 1-0 series lead in the first game of the 2020 playoffs.

【赛后帖】丹佛挖金本日 经由过程 减时以135-125打败犹他爵士,获得2020年季后赛尾克服 利。



[–]Celtics Brad-Stevens 1793 指標 9小時前

Mitchell gonna be thinking about the 8 second violation all night

What a performance down the stretch by Mitchell and Murray

Jokic/Murray 2man game is niceeee

Incredible game to start the playoffs


米切我战穆雷正在末了 阶段的表示 太猛了;


那场竞赛 为季后赛启了个佳头。

[–]slycopperore 453 指標 9小時前

It changed the swing of the game for sure.

这次8秒背例转变 了竞赛 走势

[–]Grizzlies EatDeeply 283 指標 9小時前

He’s going to be thinking about how nice it must be for Murray and Joker to have someone else on the team who can create their own bucket.

灰熊球迷:米切我借会爱慕 穆雷战约基偶的连线,究竟 队里借能有人本身 发明 患上分机遇

[–][GSW] Andre Iguodala rapper_warrior_ninja 141 指標 9小時前

thats what happens when you're down 2 starters


[–]Nuggets CatAndTheFrat 417 指標 9小時前

Yeah it was tough but the nuggets won despite being down two starters.

Proud of them.

挖金球迷:确切 很易,可尔挖金少了俩尾收也赢了啊

为他们自满 !

[–]rutgersmemelordz 929 指標 9小時前

The Nuggets had multiple people you trusted with the ball to make a play

The Jazz had one and that was the difference

挖金有佳多少个能够持球打击 的人,而爵士只要一个,那便是差异

[–]Grizzlies EatDeeply 82 指標 9小時前

Same as last year for the Jazz. They just lean on Mitchell relentlessly. Nobody else on the court can even dribble.

灰熊球迷:爵士上赛季便如许 。他们便是一直 找米切我,其余人连球皆戴没有起去。

[–]Jazz VirdenO 83 指標 9小時前

Conley and Bogdanovic were the solution

爵士球迷:那种局势 只要康利战专格达诺维偶可破

[–]Nuggets AgressiveVagina 114 指標 9小時前

The Nuggets have the luxury of sitting Murray and brining in Morris who is a borderline starting PG, great minutes from him tonight. And Murray was fucking lights out