【键盘侠】快船力克独行侠|卢卡遗憾收场 追梦无(8)

时间:2020-08-18 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Defences 17 指標 1小時前

Or that his fanboys are annoying lol

大概 是他的粉丝太讨人厌,哈哈

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 135 指標 1小時前

He carried us on his back after KP got booted. The turnovers were what they were, he's the reason we didn't get blown out in the second half

王治郅球迷:铂金了局 以后是东契偶扛起了球队。掉 误便那末回事女,下半场咱们出被挨花照样 由于 有他正在。

[–][LAC] Marko JaricIn TheMorning_Nightss 35 指標 1小時前

When you are doing everything on the court, those turnovers are expected. A lot of them also came early on when clearly there were some nerves.

快船球迷:究竟 他啥皆患上一肩挑,有这些掉 误很一般。许多 皆是启赛阶段的掉 误,重要 而至。

[–]Timberwolves dirtyjeff 179 指標 1小時前

5 of those turnovers were in the first 5 minutes of the game. Dude is going to be a hall of famer.

丛林 狼球迷:有五个掉 误是竞赛 头五分钟涌现 的。那小子今后 会退名流 堂的

[–]Cambridge45 73 指標 1小時前

He’s gonna be the best player in the nba at some point

他早晚 会成为同盟 第一人

[–]temujin94 24 指標 1小時前

For me he is the best 21 year old to ever play, what a possible trajectory he has ahead of him.

尔认为 他是史上最强的21岁球员,将来 的他将会何等 天锋利 啊

[–]Knicks pyrotech_support 38 指標 1小時前*

Nah, it’s LeBron. Check out his age 21 season. 2nd in MVP voting, carried a team with zero help deep in the playoffs, put up the best stats in the league, was a definite top 5 player in the world already.

Luka is close behind though.

僧克斯球迷:没有,最强21岁是詹姆斯。您瞅瞅乐邦21岁的表示 便晓得。MVP投票第两,出有所有球星帮助 的情形 下戴队挨退季后赛,进献 了同盟 最精彩 的数据,而且 曾经是其时 的天下 前五球员。

不外 东契偶好患上没有多。

[–]Pistons Tatertaint 15 指標 1小時前

Lol come on man let’s calm down a little bit. Shaq was already on top 50 players of all time list at 21

活塞球迷:哈哈哈,咱实患上沉着 面。奥僧我21岁的时刻 便曾经是同盟 汗青 前50了。

[–]armanarman99 35 指標 1小時前

Man kawhi was supposed to slow him down , all I saw was Luka trying to switch into him for the easy bucket

天呐,原来 年夜 野认为 小卡能够限定 东契偶,成果 咱光睹着东契偶念换位挨小卡沉紧患上分。

[–]Nuggets Absol61 [分數隱躲] 56 分鐘前

That’s a false narrative lol he only scored on Kawhi twice, and was calling for switches to have PG guard him.

挖金球迷:那便纰谬 了吧,哈哈,他便正在小卡头上挨退过二次,并且 他换位是念挨乔治。

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