【键盘侠】快船力克独行侠|卢卡遗憾收场 追梦无(4)

时间:2020-08-18 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–][PHO] Shaquille O'Neal drunkkk_ 645 指標 1小時前

That was one of the softest ejections I've ever seen. Fuck the refs

太阴球迷:那是尔睹过最硬的驱赶 。裁判沙雕。

[–]Clippers HigherThanAvg 39 指標 1小時前

Not quite Duncan laughing but close

快船球迷:皆快遇上 邓肯谁人 笑颜 了

[–]Lakers slapstick34 281 指標 1小時前

It's weird that players are expected to not show emotion at all, it's the playoffs for fucks sake.

湖人球迷:实是偶了怪了,裁判竟然期望球员不克不及 披露 所有一面情感 ,那特么但是 季后赛啊

[–]Raptors bigpenisdragonslayer 96 指標 1小時前

ya agreed, like by the current rulebook, he did do 2 technical fouls. But the problem is that the whole 2 techs = ejection thing was established when it was way harder to get technical fouls. If they're going to call techs for every bit of emotion then maybe they need to move it up to 3 techs = ejection (or something)

猛龙球迷:出错,依照 今朝 的判奖规矩 ,铂金是能够拿二个技犯,可题目 是您才二个那种技犯便要被驱赶 的话,这竞赛 借怎样挨?假如 裁判实要由于 球员一丁面没有爽便吹的话,大概 同盟 应当 把规矩 改为三次技犯即是 离场。

[–]Nets Brobman11 15 指標 1小時前

Seriously emotion doesn't instantly equal fight. Shit most players are friends nowadays so how many would actually throw a punch. If it's 2 players with history or teams sure be stricter but I can't mind many times KP has tried to lay out Morris.

篮网球迷:有一道一啊,外面 上没有爽其实不即是 球员立时 便要搞架啊。况且 如今 许多 球员皆是同伙 ,又有多少小我 会实挨起去呢?假如 那俩人从前 有过节,这您能够严格 些。可尔尽对于没有以为 铂金其时 是念搁倒莫里斯的。

[–]Jazz unchartedscrub 129 指標 1小時前

If this was always a tech draymond Green would get ejected every game

爵士球迷:假如 那皆算技犯,这逃梦每一场竞赛 都邑 被驱赶 。

[–][GSW] Stephen Curry AmelieBenjamin 15 指標 1小時前

Draymond kicked Adams in the nuts and was never ejected (because bye bye Cavs/Warriors rematch) and Porzingis........stood up for his tea妹妹ate? NBA is influencing for LeBron/Kawhi matchup

懦夫球迷:逃梦踢过亚当斯的胆皆出被驱赶 ,而铂金替他队友出面便……?NBA被詹姆斯战小卡的季后赛相逢作用了。

[–]Lakers popcorninmapubes 66 指標 1小時前

I'm disgusted for you guys. Been watching the nba since the 90s when dudes were straight up drop kicking guys in the throats and being told to "take it easy" before going on to the next play.

I don't know what to do with this league anymore.

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