【键盘侠】快船力克独行侠|卢卡遗憾收场 追梦无(3)

时间:2020-08-18 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 60 指標 1小時前

I'm getting 2006 flashbacks


[–]Knicks Yankeeknickfan 30 指標 1小時前

I hope Carlisle takes a fine, and Cuban says something

That’s the only good thing about the refs screwing the Mavs.

僧克斯球迷:愿望 卡莱我接面奖款,库班也患上道面啥。那是裁判阳了独止侠以后独一 的功德 。

[–]Mavericks NorthForthWorth 14 指標 1小時前

Seriously lol. Mavs one of the few teams who aren’t ever afraid to get fined lol. Cuban gonna get his money’s worth. Lol

独止侠球迷:借实是,啊哈哈哈。独止侠是同盟 里多数多少收没有怕奖款的球队。库班要把钱花正在刀刃上,哈哈哈

[–][LAL] Marcelo Huertas henstobs11 50 指標 1小時前

Historic playoffs debut by Luka. A game that most likely would've been a win if refs didn't suck on Clipper dick.

湖人球迷:东契偶挨出了汗青 级的季后赛尾秀。假如 没有是裁判跪舔快船,那极有大概 是属于东契偶的成功 。

[–]Fellow Feeling- 21 指標 1小時前

Clippers could barely beat the mavs without a gifted ejection of the Mavs 2nd best player. Mavs would have won this game in my opinion without that weak call. They might be in for a rude awakening and potential 1st round upset

要没有是裁判对于独止侠两当野收礼般的驱赶 ,快船很易赢独止侠的。尔认为 ,要没有是这次瞎吹,独止侠应当 便拿下了。他们大概 便能蓦地 惊醉,乃至 尾轮爆热。


[–]Thunder Rockstar408 59 指標 1小時前

It's a 2 seed vs 7 seed matchup so the 7th seed NEEDS to win Game 1 to even have a chance. They were in position to do that before the KP ejection. This changes the whole momentum of the series

雷霆球迷:那但是 第两挨第七啊,第七只要赢球能力 保有镌汰 敌手 的愿望 。铂金了局 以前,他们是那么挨的。可此次 吹奖转变 了全部 系列赛的走势。

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 221 指標 1小時前

Hell of a job by the refs to suck most of the excitement out of the second half. They realized that first half was too epic and they just had to find a way to fuck it all up. Great job you goons. Yes I'm salty

王治郅球迷:裁判可实止啊,下半场的兴趣 皆被他们扫出了。他们忽然 认识到上半场太典范了,而后念着方法 搀和一足。搞患上英俊 啊,您们那助脓包 。出错,尔便是酸。

[–]Lakers NarstyHobbitses 26 指標 1小時前

As someone who totally doesn't want to see the Clippers get eliminated in the first round, I am also salty on your behalf.

湖人球迷:原湖蜜完整 没有愿望 快船尾轮便被镌汰 ,然则 尔也战您们一路 酸==

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