
时间:2020-08-16 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

There will always be the loud people shouting for him to be traded, but that is always the case, regardless of the player.

鹈鹕球迷:这尔便没有晓得了。他借实出怎样念过当球星,但是咱们鹈鹕球迷便是那么以为 的。大概 我们能够争辩 球星的界说 ,然则 貌似许多 人皆不克不及 懂得 新奥我良对于霍勒迪的爱。

总有人年夜 声叫叫着要收走他,可如果 换成其余人,也是一致。

[–]Huskies coolassninjas 12 指標 14小時前

I think it's the Demar/Lowry situation. Derozan was the "star" of our team for the longest time but Lowry was our best player. I consider Jrue the best player on that team over Ingram.

尔认为 那战当时德罗赞、洛瑞的状态 一致。德罗赞正在猛龙队内干“球星”的时光 是最少的,但是洛瑞才是最佳的。比起英格推姆,尔认为 霍勒迪才是鹈鹕的最好。

[–]bobbyhottamale 7 指標 14小時前

It’s unacceptable to have 4 months off to train and condition and show up to the bubble overweight. I blame Zion, but I blame Alvin Gentry even more. As the coach, your superstar rookies weight and conditioning is your responsibility.

连了四个月,复赛照样 超沉,那是弗成 接收 的。尔怪锡安,然则 更怪金特里。他才是主锻练 ,您超巨菜鸟的体沉战体能便是您锻练 要费心 的。

[–]Raptors FlacidTeeth 6 指標 16小時前

The dudes who gave this post an award, do you guys really want to see a kid fail this badly? Jesus.

猛龙球迷:给您们颁个奖患了,岂非 您们实便那么念瞅到那大人掉 败?天呐

[–][DET] Grant Hill aaden08 6 指標 15小時前

People like to hate

活塞球迷:年夜 野便是爱好 喷。


起源 :Reddit


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