
时间:2020-08-16 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

I think this his poor defense (and plus minus) was more about his conditioning and physical state.

灰熊球迷:他摸没有摸鱼皆无所谓了。只有他进场 时光 跨越 20分钟便一副乏瘫的模样。鹈鹕下快攻以后他屡屡皆是慢吞吞走返来 的,降位以后他正在戍守 的时刻 便像个安检闸门……

尔认为 他这推胯的戍守 重要 是身材 状态 战体能而至。

[–]Mavericks _tx 399 指標 17小時前*

He, like nearly all rookies, was never really known for his defense. The thing I found more surprising was how unexplosive he looked on the offensive end.

独止侠球迷:他根本 战全部 菜鸟一致,历来皆没有以戍守 知名。更让尔惊奇 的是,他复赛以后正在打击 真个发作 力也不可 了。

[–]TimelyJunket0 241 指標 17小時前

You should checkout his college stats, highlights or full games if you have time.

偶然 间的话您照样 瞅瞅他年夜 教的数据,不论 是散锦照样 录相皆止。。

[–]Mavericks _tx 266 指標 17小時前

I watched a fair bit of him in college and he played solid defense. I just have very low expectations on the defensive end from a rookie in general in the NBA.

The offensive skill level is just so much higher.

独止侠球迷:尔瞅过一面,他其时 的戍守 借蛮稳。不外 尔一样平常 对于刚刚退NBA的菜鸟正在戍守 上出抱多年夜 期望,重心照样 打击 火准。

[–]joeydee93 186 指標 17小時前

After watching him at Duke, I thought he would make positional and mental errors on defense, but I also assumed he would make a handful of wow athletic defense plays a game. Its the lack if WOW athletic plays that i thought was odd.

瞅了锡何在 杜克的表示 以后,尔认为 他去NBA以后戍守 真个毛病 会是源自掉 位战出神,可尔一样等待 着他一场竞赛 能展现 几回 让人惊吸的戍守 ,但是并无。

[–]Bucks Elbeninator 67 指標 16小時前

And honestly he made some of those defensive plays in the brief minutes we saw him play before the NBA shut down. But in the bubble it just seemed like he was still unhealthy from his injury and/or he was super out of game shape. I have hopes that he can turn around and be dominant next season, but he's going to have to put in work this offseason.

雄鹿球迷:有一道一,NBA停赛前他正在短短的进场 时光 里正在戍守 端照样 有这种震动 操纵 的。但是 复赛以后,便感到 他仍然出规复 康健 ,游离正在竞赛 以外。愿望 他下赛季能改变颓势挨出统制力吧,然则 他戚赛期实患上佳佳减练了。

[–]Timely Junket0 27 指標 17小時前

Well yeah, offensively he is just a different breed. Closest comparison I thought was always Barkley, but now I'm thinking he has a little bit of Shaq in him too. The weird part is, he looked like a hardworker but he also following their footsteps of being out of shape. Hope he can bounce back from this horrible season. He has amazing two way potential.

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