这却是 ,他的打击 切实其实 是同于凡人 。从前 尔认为 最靠近 的比拟 模板是巴克利,如今 倒以为 他身上有面奥僧我的影子。奇异 的是,他瞅着很尽力 ,可他却像那俩先辈 一致体态 走样了。他攻防一体的后劲照样 蛮年夜 的,愿望 能早面从那个蹩脚的赛季中反弹过去。
[–]Supersonics allmyaccsarebanned 24 指標 17小時前
What's his potential on D? Too small for 5 too slow for 4
超音速球迷:他的戍守 有个啥后劲?挨5身材过小,挨4又太缓
[–]Trail Blazers DonteJackson 49 指標 17小時前
If he sheds some weight he could probably play the 4 on D a lot better
开辟 者球迷:如果 肯加沉的话,这挨4大概 便很多多少 了
[–]Cavaliers SaxRohmer 7 指標 14小時前
Elite weakside defender. Dude is explosive but needs to work on his reads. He has good instincts and just needs more time in the scheme and on the floor. People forget that he also has a long wingspan which coupled with his athleticism certainly raises his ceiling as a defender.
骑士球迷:锡安能发展 为顶级强侧戍守 人。那货颇有发作 力,可借患上进步 竞赛 浏览 力。他的戍守 天性没有错,便是很多挨竞赛 啊。年夜 野怕是皆记了,他臂展少,再配上活动 才能 ,那尽对于能够晋升 戍守 下限。
[–]Nets Kwilly462 48 指標 17小時前
Didn't think Zion could ever be a defensive liability, but here we are
篮网球迷:以前实出认为 锡安的戍守 会是球队的累赘 ,可实际 如斯
[–]fartsinthedark 120 指標 17小時前
Zion is just plainly not good on defense so far. I’m not even sure it’s an effort or conditioning thing; he just looks absolutely lost on that end of the floor.
But he is only like 12 years old, and obviously the athleticism is there, so we’ll see.
锡安今朝 为行的戍守 便是不可 。尔乃至 皆没有肯定 那是立场 题目 照样 体能题目 ,横竖 他戍守 时瞅着便是渺茫 。
不外 他便像个12岁的大人,并且 活动 禀赋 晃正在那边,我们照样 再瞅吧。
[–][ATL] Trae Young JayNew2K 30 指標 17小時前
Its definitely effort and conditioning. Hard to be effective on offense and defense when your 6’6 300 pounds
老鹰球迷:既有立场 题目 也有体能题目 。您6尺6却有300磅的体沉,那咋共时坚持 下效的攻防呢
[–]Jazz SEJ46 2 指標 14小時前
Unless he had the ball he didn't try at all.
[–]Raptors -Masai-Watcher- 7 指標 16小時前
His wingspan is also pretty small
猛龙球迷:而且 他的臂展也蛮短的。
[–]fartsinthedark 12 指標 17小時前