Memphis knows how we felt now!
太阴球迷:波特兰的竞赛 您能够设定一个时光 表:
- 上半场逝世 逝世 咬住比分,年夜 部门 皆是抢先一圆;
- 到了第三节落伍 8分;
-不断 到竞赛 终段照样 落伍 ;
- 一波年夜 心净三分获得抢先。
孟菲斯人如今 晓得咱们的感触感染 了吧!
[–]Raptors completelytrustworth 80 指標 3小時前
What's Portland's average margin this bubble? Something like +1.7 or some shit? Cardiac Blazers indeed
猛龙球迷:波特兰正在此次 复赛的均匀 分好是若干 去着?貌似是+1.7吧?玩心跳石锤了!
[–]Trail Blazers Familyguy35 66 指標 3小時前
If a playoff seed is on the line we turn into the clutchest team for some reason
开辟 者球迷:假如 闭乎到季后赛席位,咱们总能变身年夜 心净球队。
[–]Grizzlies iftair 30 指標 3小時前
Or elimination games. 2 buzzer beaters to go through the quarter finals in 5 years is amazing in itself.
灰熊球迷:这些拿到赛面以后的竞赛 也是啊。您们远五年二次压哨尽杀闯退半决赛,那自己 便很了不得 了。
[–][POR] Gary Trent Jr. ContraCoke 564 指標 3小時前
The third quarter collapse is a constant in life, like death and taxes
开辟 者球迷:第三节崩盘是咱们的惯例 操纵 ,便像逝世 亡战钱粮 一致弗成 防止
[–][POR] Brandon Roy NevermoreSEA 83 指標 3小時前
It's tradition.
开辟 者球迷:老保守了
[–]Bucks DJ-WILSON-GOAT 187 指標 3小時前
Pretty much as soon as you put Whiteside in. Explains why you lost so many games without Nurk.
雄鹿球迷:根本 上只有是您们换上怀特塞德便如许 。那也说明 了为啥出有努我基偶的时刻 您们会输那么多。
[–]Jazz death2all55 84 指標 3小時前
That dude has got to learn to hold on to a rebound.
[–]Supersonics secret_aardvark 6 指標 2小時前
3rd in the league in rebounds per game. I think he's got it down well enough.
超音速球迷:他的场均篮板没有是排正在同盟 第三嘛。尔认为 他干患上够没有错了。
[–]bee-stings 28 指標 3小時前
Whiteside body language just looks terrible at times, like he doesn't care at all. If that man played with hustle/focus consistently he would be so much more effective.
黑边偶然 候的一点儿肢体说话 瞅着实是荒谬 ,感到 他压根没有正在乎一致。假如 那野伙肯负责 、连续 会合 留意 力,这他的效力 确定 比如今 凌驾 一年夜 截。
[–]Trail Blazers broccolibush42 128 指標 4小時前
That was Whiteside's worst performance by far. Like not even close. Usually he makes up for his lack of defensive instinct by putting some points up or grabbing boards, but he couldn't even do that today