
时间:2020-08-16 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

Dame weirdly is probably the most supported star by media and fans. I know he pushes the disrespect thing but he does get a lot of love

开辟 者球迷:也是奇异 ,利推德年夜 概算是正在媒介战球迷那边 最讨喜的球员了。尔晓得他总认为 本身 被针对于,但是他确切 获得 了许多 爱意。

[–]Celtics FlyingMocko 377 指標 7小時前

Yeah, he can’t really use the argument no more. Made sense when he was getting snubbed for All Star teams but he’s been getting the recognition he deserves recently and rightly so.

凯我特人球迷:是啊,他实的不克不及 再那末愤世嫉雅了。以前被齐明星优待的时刻 没有爽另有 些事理 ,可他如今 曾经获得 了应有的承认 。

[–]ace82fadeout 33 指標 6小時前

Honestly tho, dudes one of the most liked and respected players in the league and the guy acts like the world is against him. I don't really get it.

借实是,那哥们女曾经是同盟 里最讨人爱好 且被尊敬 的球员之一了,可他却弄患上像齐天下 皆取他为敌一致。至心 出法懂得 。

[–][TOR] Pascal Siakam TheImplicationn 14 指標 3小時前

It's not crazy alot of great players do that, I know people will say MJ obviously but many stars do that. It's mad annoying but sometimes you need that extra motivation so you gotta make some shit up lol

猛龙球迷:那也出啥,许多 顶级球员皆如许 。有些人会道乔丹,可另有 很多多少 球星皆如许 。确切 很让人没有爽,可偶然 候您便患上须要 那些分外 的能源引发 本身 的斗志。


起源 :Reddit


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