
时间:2020-08-16 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Portland Trail Blazers (1-0) defeat The Memphis Grizzlies (0-1) by a score of 126-122 behind 22/21/6 from Jusuf Nurkic, to clinch the 8th seed.

【赛后帖】波特兰开辟 者本日 以126-122打败孟菲斯灰熊,锁定西部第八。



[–]Magic johnkphotos 182 指標 3小時前

What a game to be a neutral fan. I’ll take more of this next year.

把戏 球迷:中坐球迷表现 那竞赛 很悦目 。下赛季交着去!

[–]Cavaliers MrDarkicoN 112 指標 3小時前

Ngl I wanted Grizzlies to win just so I'd have a game to watch tomorrow.

骑士球迷:道实的,尔念的是灰熊赢球,如许 来日诰日 便能够再瞅一场。

[–]Wizards eatapenny 13 指標 3小時前

Keep the play-in format forever. Players are gonna be playing their hearts out for a 1-game format to get into the playoffs

偶才球迷:让附带赛常态化吧。正在那种单场定季后赛名额的竞赛 里,球员们都邑 卯脚了劲女挨。

[–]Gooberking2 39 指標 3小時前

We all owe the grizzlies an apology. Despite missing jjj and struggling in the bubble they managed to keep this game close and morant looked unstoppable. These grizzlies played hard today and deserve some appreciation.

我们皆短灰熊一个报歉 。只管 缺乏 了小贾伦-杰克逊,只管 复赛以后状况 高迷,但是灰熊那场竞赛 照样 松咬敌手 ,莫兰特的确 是弗成 阻拦 。灰熊那助人本日 挨患上很负责 ,我们应当 给以承认 。

[–]Celtics Brad-Stevens 161 指標 3小時前

CJ McCollum is the closer for the Blazers

Great season for Memphis

凯我特人球迷:麦科勒姆便是开辟 者的闭幕 者。


[–]jabexa 69 指標 3小時前

Two step back 3s and a midrange pull-up with Ja in his face. His handles are insane

二个撤步三分,一个颜射莫兰特的中间隔 跳投。麦科勒姆的控球无解。

[–]Yacht Club Portlandblazer07 10 指標 3小時前

Yeah CJ is inconsistent for most of the game but it seems like he always shows up when we need a bucket

对于的,CJ那场竞赛 年夜 多半 时光 皆没有稳固 ,不外 他似乎 总能正在我们须要 患上分的时刻 站进去。

[–]Thunder cookies50796 249 指標 4小時前

Broken back can't even stop him


[–]Celtics Jordanwolf98 47 指標 4小時前

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