【键盘侠】开拓者险胜篮网|表哥三战无人敌 锁定(5)

时间:2020-08-14 16:43       来源: NBA直播吧

以是 那场竞赛 才典范啊。那也闪开 拓者的那场成功 使人易记。二队皆挨出了命悬一线的立场 。为篮网的竭尽全力 面赞。

[–]Bucks RenDabs 519 指標 34 分鐘前

Levert vs Lillard, what a matchup


[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 17 指標 33 分鐘前

Unexpectedly one of the best duels of the Bubble Era

王治郅球迷:泡泡时期 料想 以外的最强对于飙之一。

[–]Warriors surosregime 51 指標 36 分鐘前

Lillard is one of the most badass players I have ever seen. Tall about grinding it out. Talk about willing your team to victory after victory.

懦夫球迷:利推德是尔睹过的最混不惜 的球员之一。他能挨软仗,能率领 球队赓续 与胜。

[–]Trail Blazers Squirting_Nachos 2 指標 1小時前

They also double teamed him every single time he touched the ball and even double teamed him OFF the ball multiple times.

开辟 者球迷:屡屡只有他持球,篮网便单人包夹,有几回 他连球皆出撞,竟然也是被包夹

[–][MIA] Gary Payton jc-f 314 指標 32 分鐘前

They had to. He was shooting 3s from the half-court logo lol.

And still scored 42 despite the defense.

冷水球迷:必需 患上如许 啊。他过了半场便能扔,哈哈哈

便那,他照样 拿到了42分。

[–]Raptors 20person 59 指標 29 分鐘前

Imagine if the rest of the team could hit more shots

如果 他的队友能退更多的球……

[–][POR] Detlef Schrempf Frosti11icus 80 指標 22 分鐘前

CJ's back is broken, Jennifer.

开辟 者球迷:麦科勒姆有违伤啊,詹妮弗(前年炎天 CJ正在采访中被问到能否会为了夺冠参加 懦夫,麦科勒姆给以否定 并正在拉特上干出了回应。一名嚷詹妮弗-威廉姆斯的女球迷批评 讲:“赢一场季后赛再去措辞 。”CJ立刻答复 :尔正在尽力 ,詹妮弗。)

[–]nightlink011 26 指標 24 分鐘前

13 three pointers and Lillard hit eight of them, a lot of them in the fourth were also open because of those double teams.

But honestly the most concerning thing for Portland was the defense, Levert going off I can understand, but wide open threes and easy backdoor cuts were pretty much a regular thing this game.

开辟 者一同便退了13个三分,利推德便占了8个。第四节因为 对于利推德的包夹,另有 许多 皆是空地机遇 。

不外 道实的,开辟 者最使人担忧 的照样 戍守 ,勒维我超神尔能够懂得 ,可您给了敌手 太多空地三分机遇 ,另有 很多多少 次沉紧切后门……

[–]Bulls AmumuIsMyFriend 374 指標 49 分鐘前

Nurkic is a beast, he was clearly exhausted through the whole 4th quarter