【键盘侠】开拓者险胜篮网|表哥三战无人敌 锁定

时间:2020-08-14 16:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] Portland Trail Blazers (35-39) defeat Brooklyn Nets (35-37) by 134 - 133 with 42 points from Damian Lillard as Blazers secure the 8th seed

【赛后帖】波特兰开辟 者(35胜39背)本日 以134-133力克布鲁克林篮网(35胜37背)。



[–]Knicks SiphenPrax 233 指標 51 分鐘前

Was there ever a team that could have beaten the legendary, undefeated Bubble Suns? The world may never know!

僧克斯球迷:借能有球队能够克服 传说般的没有败的泡泡版(Bubble,曲译番笕 泡,共时指这次复赛的竞赛 园区)太阴吗?年夜 概齐天下 皆没有会晓得了!

[–]NBA jet_10 1077 指標 6小時前

We already know, the answer is no one

我们曾经晓得了,谜底 便是出有

[–]Lakers pl1589 28 指標 46 分鐘前

It's probably for the better, a 9-1 Suns team not making the playoffs would be more painful.

湖人球迷:大概 如许 更佳,如果 太阴9胜1背借出退季后赛,这没有患上更难熬痛苦 啊

[–]Suns Kuntsaw 17 指標 52 分鐘前

Thank you Nets for playing your heart out and almost getting us in. We'll get in next season off our own play.

太阴球迷:感激 篮网,您们尽力 反击好面让咱们退了附带赛。下赛季咱们要靠本身 挨退季后赛。

[–]Pistons Iron_bagel 26 指標 55 分鐘前

Good for dame. Too bad for book, tho. He’s been playing like the physical reincarnation of Kobe in the bubble.

活塞球迷:那成果 对于利推德而行蛮佳,但是 对于布克太没有友爱 了。他复赛以后挨患上便像是科比的化身一致。

[–]Nets MVPScheer123r8 36 指標 51 分鐘前

Tbf, so has Dame.


[–]Pistons Iron_bagel 7 指標 50 分鐘前

Yeah. I honestly didn’t care who won but it really sucks for whoever lost either way because both teams have been popping off.

活塞球迷:是啊,实在 尔没有正在乎谁赢,但是 出退附带赛的一圆实的操蛋,由于 那二收队复赛以后皆挨患上蛮悦目 。

[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 83 指標 54 分鐘前

Damian Lillard did not want to go home already. What a performance again.


[–]Bucks Secres 26 指標 49 分鐘前

Dame can fuck my wife.

雄鹿球迷:年夜 米能够透尔的女人