【键盘侠】开拓者险胜篮网|表哥三战无人敌 锁定(10)

时间:2020-08-14 16:43       来源: NBA直播吧

It's funny how many people dismissed him as empty stats for so many years while conveniently ignoring the team around him and the yearly coaching changes. I'm glad that people are finally able to see how good of a player he is now that he's got a good team around him.

懦夫球迷:也是故意 思哈,以前那些年很多多少 人讽刺 布克是数据刷子,可他们也没有瞅瞅他身旁的队友皆有谁,并且 他们的主锻练 也是每一年一换。现在 他身旁有一助没有错的队友了,年夜 野总算是晓得布克有多强了。

[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 2401 指標 1小時前

The Suns did all that for a drop of hope. Sucks to see them barely miss out after playing so well.

The future is sunny.

猛龙球迷:太阴为了这一丝愿望 曾经拼尽了尽力 。挨患上那么佳照样 将将无缘季后赛,很操蛋。

将来 照样 太阴的!

[–]Trail Blazers KappaccinoNation 562 指標 1小時前

2021's gonna be spicy

开辟 者球迷:下赛季安慰咯

[–]Warriors Twentytwofortyfive 487 指標 1小時前

Problem is you add Warriors back into the West so there goes a playoff spot

懦夫球迷:题目 是下赛季尔怯便杀返来 了,那便少了一个季后赛名额

[–]Suns McFerry 519 指標 55 分鐘前*

We just have to carry the momentum and make the 8-0, 82-0 next season

太阴球迷:咱们持续 那种势头,拿到82胜0背便佳咯==

[–][GSW] Andre Iguodala oh_what_a_shot 107 指標 57 分鐘前

The West is going to be brutal but the Suns are still a young team with a ton of potential. I could see them improving more than expected next year.

懦夫球迷:下赛季的西部一定 很残暴 ,可太阴仍然是一收禀赋 谦谦的年青 球队。尔认为 他们下赛季能获得超越 预期的提高 。

[–]Suns kinkyKMART 220 指標 55 分鐘前

Been hearing this one for years


[–][MIN] Sam Cassell HuruHara 90 指標 51 分鐘前

Same with the Wiggins/KAT era Wolves

Fuck my life LMAO

丛林 狼球迷:以前尔狼有维金斯战唐斯的时刻 ,他们也那么道的

哈哈哈哈哈,那是个锤子生涯 哦

[–]LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO101 49 指標 52 分鐘前

Holy fuck Levert was killing Trent. What a fucking game


[–]Celtics Jordanwolf98 31 指標 44 分鐘前

Levert is a dog. Wouldn't be surprised if he's an all star next year

凯我特人球迷:勒维我很凶的。如果 他下赛季退了齐明星也很一般。

[–][IND] Victor Oladipo lhubbard0 11 指標 36 分鐘前

Still can't believe we traded him away for Thad Young.

步辇儿者球迷:咱们昔时 竟然拿他来换了赛迪斯-杨……