
时间:2021-01-02 09:14       来源: NBA直播吧

At least the Bucks had to score in the second half to beat you guys. The Mavs didn’t

开辟 者球迷:最少雄鹿下半场必需 患上分能力 赢下冷水。独止侠便不用 (¬◡¬)

[–]Pelicans Good_NewsEveryone 1131 指標 9小時前



[–]CafecitoinNY 237 指標 9小時前

It’s the little things...


[–]Heat colourofinfinity 582 指標 9小時前

Giannis scores 9 and we lose by 47, the ultimate wtf


[–]Clippers bortun 30 指標 9小時前

dw they'll just laugh this loss off. but us? poverty franchise xD playoff p xD 3-1 lead xD a regular season win, prove in playoff xD a regular season loss? end of season XD!

快船球迷:您们那年夜 野也便笑笑便完了。可咱们呢?祖上原便没有充裕 ,季后椒,3-1被翻盘,那又去个惯例 赛拾人?赛季停止 了!

[–]Heat GringoMambi 305 指標 9小時前

Jrue Holiday was a huge pickup for the Bucks.


[–]Pelicans marinesol 88 指標 10小時前

Watching a star Pelicans player leave Gentry's system is like watching Rock Lee take off his leg weights.

鹈鹕球迷:瞅着一个鹈鹕球员分开 金特里的系统 ,便像瞅着洛克-李排除 绑正在腿上的沙袋。

[–]ELITE_Jordan_Love 212 指標 9小時前

It’s super weird; I don’t know why but I feel like Giannis is almost complementing Khris and Jrue more than the other way around.

实是诡同。尔也没有晓得为啥,不外 尔感到 那字母哥便像是给米德我整理战霍勒迪挨动手 的。

[–]SirPaintAkritas 41 指標 9小時前

It's what it feels like with these "gravity" players. Their play doesn't get that much better even if you add the perfect guys around them. But they elevate certain skills of their tea妹妹ates so much that they look their best next to them. Brogdon and Brook also look extremely good next to giannis than without him for similar reasons

那便是那些“引力”球员的感化 啊。哪怕您给他们配一点儿完善 帮助 ,对于他们而行这只是是如虎添翼。可他们却能极年夜 天晋升 队友的才能 。比起字母哥没有正在场的时刻 ,布罗咯噔、洛佩兹正在字母哥压阵的时刻 也要挨患上佳很多。

[–]Beta GreekLoL 25 指標 8小時前

Thats what it means to have a well-constructed roster. Giannis didn't score much tonight but rest assured his presence was still a factor to be considered by the opponent.

那实在 便解释 他们声威 拆合营 理。字母哥古早不用 患上下分,可他的存留仍然会让敌手 没有敢怠缓。

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