
时间:2021-01-02 09:14       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game thread] The Milwaukee Bucks (2-2) defeat the Miami Heat (1-2) 144-97 behind and NBA record 29 made 3-pointers

【赛后帖】稀我沃基雄鹿(2胜2背)本日 正在客场以144-97血洗迈阿稀冷水(1胜2背),齐场射中 破记载 的29忘三分。



[–]Heat ScuderiaEnzo 159 指標 9小時前

Heat are lucky this is without fans. Do you imagine the shit storm if we actually had fans in there?

冷水球迷:尔冷那患上盈出球迷出场 。要实有球迷正在的话,您能设想这血雨腥风的绘里吗?

[–]AzureAhai 96 指標 9小時前

People would have left by the 3rd quarter

估量 第三节人便走出了。

[–][MIL] Sterling Brown RubiconGuava 149 指標 9小時前

Like TNT did?


[–][MIL] Giannis Antetokounmpo John_DaleCP 10 指標 9小時前

Which was the better block: LeBron on Iggy or TNT on the Bucks?

雄鹿球迷:哪一个盖帽更英俊 :詹姆斯盖一哥,照样 TNT盖尔鹿?

[–]Bucks zodiachdpc 135 指標 9小時前

TNT is a joke for not showing the NBA 3 point record being broken live

雄鹿球迷:TNT便是个见笑,竟然连睹证发明 单场射中 三分记载 的竞赛 皆切了……

[–]Heat GringoMambi 9 指標 9小時前

NBA should definitely drug test the whole Bucks team. MF’s we’re playing on adderall or something, would not miss from three

冷水球迷:NBA尽对于要给雄鹿齐队干尿检。那助崽子们便跟磕了药一致,三分百步穿杨 啊。

[–]Heat lopea182 1642 指標 9小時前

Well, I’m glad the Miami Heat allowed 100 family members into the arena tonight to watch.. um.. that

冷水球迷:患了,尔便很愉快 尔冷古早竟然让100名家属 进场瞅……呃……内个

[–][PHI] Ben Si妹妹ons KagsTheOneAndOnly 2443 指標 9小時前& 3 more

Family members are normally present at funerals.

76人球迷:家属 一样平常 都邑 划一 整天列席葬礼的。

[–]Bucks Gi妹妹ethatstat 142 指標 9小時前

lol Philly fans are expert roasters

雄鹿球迷:哈哈哈哈哈,76人球迷果真 是毒舌。

[–]Bulls Ld511 2848 指標 9小時前

This is the biggest loss since December 27th 2020

公牛球迷:那场竞赛 是自2020年12月27日以后的最年夜 分好掉 利。

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