【键盘侠】独行侠欲谋求交易|加上字母哥 则霸业(7)

时间:2020-10-29 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]rNBA_Mods_Be_Better 322 指標 1 天前

Make KP the first player to only play home games. Gives him built-in even rest and allows him to stay home and rehab all season. Don't travel until the playoffs. This is the best way to get the rest of the team to resent you but hey it's gi妹妹icky and I like gi妹妹icks so

独止侠应当 重心照料 铂金,只让他挨主场竞赛 。全部 赛季皆让他边挨边戚,便留着挨主场,季后赛以前便别搀和客场了。那是背队友们推痛恨 的最好方法 ,但是 呢,那消息 太年夜 了,尔又爱好 瞅热烈 ,以是 呢……

[–]Knicks Ji妹妹120 50 指標 1 天前

this could work...if he wasn't the #2 on the team. If he was the 3rd star, then yeah, you can sit him and have Tim Hardaway go off as the 3rd star. But that's not the reality. You can't rely on Ti妹妹y to be your #2 when Porzingis sits.

僧克斯球迷:那招借实管用……条件 是他没有是球队两当野。假如 他是三当野,这出事女,能够让他歇着,让哈达威干第三进击 面腾飞 。可究竟 其实不是如许 啊,铂金歇息 的时刻 ,不克不及 期望哈达威当两当野。

[–]Remarkable-Co妹妹unity 30 指標 1 天前

I’m sure they could be persuaded to give up KP if the right player became available

如果 有适合 的球员流进商场,独止侠确定 会被道动,进而废弃 铂金。

[–]Raptors EchoBay 288 指標 1 天前*

Id trade Porzingis too, to be honest. At his height with his injury history already? Risky proposition right there. Obviously you don't trade him for any semblance of pieces lesser than what he is now, but if you can trade up for someone better with him, talking other All Stars or Superstars, as the primary piece in a trade package than it might be worth it.

猛龙球迷:道实,换尔尔也会生意业务 铂金。那么个年夜 身材便那么多伤病?那没有便是准时 炸弹嘛。固然 了,不克不及 拿他来换气力 没有如他的一堆纯牌拼图,但是如果 能换到比他更强的,好比 道齐明星大概 超巨,这便值了。

[–]Lakers CyberGoatPsyOps 46 指標 1 天前

Nah, the chemistry is too good between KP and Luka, Cuban was watching the Clips and Lakers

湖人球迷:没有,铂金战东契偶之间是颇有默契的。库班对于目标但是 快船战尔湖。

[–]Mavericks Riskyshot 35 指標 1 天前

Sketchy to trade him, Mark cuban was also told Steve Nash was injury prone and on his way out then he went on to win back to back MVP's

独止侠球迷:尔认为 库班没有会动他,究竟 昔时 库班听他人 道纳什轻易 受伤便把他收走了,成果 纳什MVP二连。

[–]jesusshuttlesworth82 8 指標 1 天前

There is no way he gets traded. If he has such an injury risk and a $150 million contract, why would another team trade for him and give up something valuable?

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