【键盘侠】独行侠欲谋求交易|加上字母哥 则霸业(6)

时间:2020-10-29 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧
I've been wanting Seth Curry on the Lakers ever since the last free agency.

Mavs should hold onto him.

湖人球迷:自挨上个自在商场开端 ,尔便一向 盼着小库里去尔湖。

独止侠应当 留下他。

[–]Vancouver Grizzlies thedarthvader17 16 指標 1 天前

That is definitely a very valuable contract.

灰熊球迷:他的条约 这可太值钱咯。

[–]Mavericks ponderingexistence02 11 指標 1 天前

LEAVE CURRY ALONE!! I just got his jersey

独止侠球迷:别挨小库里的留意 !尔刚刚购的他的球衣……

[–]Mavericks AtreusIsBack 10 指標 1 天前

Dragić is a free agent now, they could pick him up if Miami doesn't want him. Him and Luka had incredible synergy in their 2017 Eurobasket championship run and I can't see them struggling on the floor together on the Mavs.

独止侠球迷:德推季偶如今 也是自在人啊,如果 冷水没有要的话,独止侠能够捡个漏。他战东契偶加入 17年欧锦赛这会女挨患上颇有默契啊,到了独止侠确定 也很拆。

[–]Mavericks 3pointerSLO 4 指標 1 天前

Miami wants Goran. And he wants to stay. Dallas would have to offer him much more to gain him.

独止侠球迷:冷水念留德推季偶的,并且 他也乐意 留。咱们只要年夜 幅溢价能力 获得 他。


[–]Mavericks ThreeGuardLineups 47 指標 1 天前

Our assets are underrated - DFS, Kleber, Seth, and Brunson are all major positive value contracts, and we have the 18th pick and 31st pick on draft night to throw in as well. If you throw in THJ's $18妹妹, we can make a lot of different deals work.

独止侠球迷:咱们的财产被高估了——芬僧-史女士 、克莱伯、小库里战布伦森齐皆是分量级的优良条约 ,并且 咱们脚头另有 本年 的18号战31号签。如果 正在算是小哈达威1800万的条约 ,这我们借能有很多多少 分歧 的操纵 。

[–]ctorresc04 507 指標 1 天前

Worth keeping KP if they can manage to keep him healthy during the 2nd half of the season and postseason.

假如 独止侠能设法主意 让铂金正在赛季下半程战季后赛让铂金坚持 康健 的话,这他照样 值患上留住的。

[–]odinlubumeta 9 指標 1 天前

So was Bynum if he stayed healthy or Greg Oden. 7 foot tall people with bad injury histories don’t have a good track record. Mavs should not make him untouchable.

您那话搁到拜纳姆战奥登身上也能够。那个有太重年夜 伤病史的7尺年夜 个康健 状态 素来 不可 。独止侠便不应 拿他当非买品。

[–]Lakers 056rza- 33 指標 1 天前

I don’t think that have ever happened once in his entire career

湖人球迷:尔认为 吧,铂金全部 事业生活 便出康健 啥事女。

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