
时间:2020-10-17 17:45       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]NBA corgi_on_a_treadmill 22 指標 5小時前

Lakers probably still win the championship with Lue, although they'd have a worse defense.

即使主锻练 换成卢,湖人大概 也能夺冠,不外 他们的戍守 便会更好了。

[–]NBA mrdilldozer 17 指標 5小時前

Coaches, players, and GMs around the league all generally agree that he is a good coach. He has also shown that he can manage a team with multiple stars and keep egos in check (at least until the offseason). People on reddit and Twitter think he sucks. I dont know who to believe.

同盟 的主锻练 、球员战总司理 险些 皆认共卢是个佳锻练 。并且 他也证实 过,他能够把握一收有多个球星的球队,让他们支敛起各自的自信 心。但是 那个服装论坛t.vhao.net战拉特上的人皆道他很菜。尔没有晓得该疑谁了。

[–]goodolvj 3 指標 5小時前

Not arguing how good a coach Lue is or will be, but me might be the right guy to keep the stars accountable and make the tough rotation decisions. We've seen how problematic it was when doc refused to adjust for the bad matchup vs Denver, Lue isn't afraid to bench the dudes hurting the team in favor of playing the guys willing to do what it takes to win.

泰伦-卢终归有多优良 大概 道今后 能咋样,临时 没有提,不外 他大概 是让快船这助球星担责且勇于干出庞大 轮换决议 的适合 当选。以前快船挨挖金明显 有些对于位很不可 ,但是他谢绝 干出调剂 ,那个题目 有多年夜 我们曾经见地 过了。为了赢球,卢但是 没有怕让这些损害 球队系统 的人坐板凳的,他偏向 这些有斗志的球员。


[–]Lakers MisterConbag15 35 指標 6小時前

I think Lue is a very solid coach. I don’t get why Lakers fans are celebrating this. Perfectly good hire.

湖人球迷:尔认为 卢是个很靠谱的锻练 。没有晓得为啥另有 湖蜜庆贺 。快船那个录用 很完善 啊。

[–]Lakers focus_grouped 356 指標 6小時前

I’ll be the contrarian and say this is a great hire. I think Ty Lue showed during his Cavs runs that he is great at managing a locker room, and that is one of the biggest issues plaguing this team.

People are really unfair to Ty Lue. If the Durant Warriors didn’t exist we would talk about the 2017 Cavs as one of the greatest teams ever (they were). He is part of that success, not just LeBron and Kyrie. If anyone says “oh Steve Kerr isn’t a great coach he just has all these great players” we rightfully call them a dumbass, but Lue doesn’t get the same grace

湖人球迷:尔也要唱反调道快船用他是很没有错的。卢当时正在骑士便很善于 把握换衣 室,那但是 搅扰快船的最年夜 题目 之一。

我们对于卢实的没有老实 。假如 阿杜时代 的懦夫没有存留的话,17年这收懦夫年夜 概便成为了您尔心中史上最壮大 的球队之一。他也是这种胜利 的一分子,不但 是詹姆斯战欧文。假如 有人道“哦科我没有咋天啊,他不过碰到 了那助佳球员”,这咱们立时 会骂他笨货,可卢便出那种报酬 。